The energy transition is one of society’s most urgent challenges. The technical solutions the energy sector provides, will bring it closer into the forecourt and backyard of communities and their citizens, e.g. for the use of space by different stakeholder groups – onshore and offshore!
Although solutions are technically feasible, public support for (local) energy producing activities in the Netherlands has significantly eroded in recent years. Frontrunners in the industry recognised the growing importance of cross sector and cross border collaboration.
Founded in 2013 by Shell, Siemens, TNO and joined by EBN in 2019, the Energy Reinvented Community aims to cross bridges. With now over 1,200+ international members the Community was designed to connect a wide range of stakeholders related to the energy industry. Providing a platform for discussions, spark ideas and foster partnerships the Community enables its members to cross bridges. Its aim? To generate cross sector and cross border connections and activities, all related to society’s transition towards the new energy system.
As steering committee members, Ewald Breunesse (Shell), René Peters (TNO), Jan Prins (Siemens) and Barthold Schroot (EBN) want to pave the way for the effective implementation of current and future energy solutions by bringing together people who are connected to the energy industry, across sectors and along the supply chain. Professionals from the energy industries and other sectors have a lot to contribute on the road to a future clean, reliable, affordable and accepted energy system. The steering committee aims to create a starting point for more integrated approaches, the development of new innovative business models and to ‘the’ break-through technologies that society is in urgent need of.
In an open community the diverse international group of members (representing the energy industry and adjacent industries) share ideas and opportunities to actual cross the bridges between the – now sometimes siloed – pillars of the energy system and driving connectedness with society at large.
The Community organises three annual events with a yearly changing theme, providing members with knowledge and ample network opportunities during coffee and dinner breaks. For more in-depth topics, the Community has formed Working Groups that develop programs, solutions, applications and pilot projects for the energy industry specific to the scope of the Working Group. Occasionally these groups are the seat of broader programs, such as the North Sea Energy program an industry-driven research program that gathers and develops knowledge and technology for offshore system integration in the North Sea.
Are you working in the energy sector or in related areas, or having an interest in the energy transition you are invited to join Energy Reinvented Community? Membership of is free and personal. Become a member here.
Marking the Crossing Bridges approach, Energy Reinvented Community and North Sea Offshore jointly organise an event in Den Helder, the Netherlands on 8 June 2021. Mark this date in your calendar!
More information at www.energyreinventedcommunity.com.