RelyOn Nutec offers a new and innovative way of safety training for the offshore wind industry: Global Wind Organisation Basic Safety Training (GWO BST) blended learning. This type of training combines digital and practical training. Participants familiarise themselves with essential knowledge based content in their own time and at their own pace. The training content is the same as a normal GWO BST, including the modules First Aid, Working at Height, Manual Handling, Fire Awareness and Sea Survival, but the theoretical part is provided in e-learning modules. After completion of the e-learning, the practical training takes place at one of the RelyOn Nutec training centres in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the UK, Denmark and Norway. Participants complete their practical training within three days.
Besides advantages on costs and time savings, participants will all have the same level of understanding regarding the specific topics, while they all have completed the online e-learning modules and have been assessed prior to the practical training. This makes the practical sessions more effective and efficient.
The aim of the GWO BST is to enable participants who will be working in the wind industry to support and care for themselves and others working in the industry by possessing the knowledge and skills of First Aid, Working at Height, Manual Handling, Fire Awareness and Sea Survival. The blended learning courses and modules are designed in strict alignment with the GWO Standard, and have recently been certified by Bureau Veritas.
,,We are very proud to be the first safety training provider to offer the GWO Basic Safety training blended learning. Thanks to the in-house knowledge from our RelyOn Nutec Digital division, we were able to create the e-learning modules ourselves combining our knowledge about digital learning and practical safety training. During the validity of their certificate, participants remain to have access to the e-learning, giving them the opportunity to keep their knowledge up to date. With this new approach we hope to contribute to a safer wind industry, while at the same allowing our participants the flexibility to complete parts of their training from home or wherever may be convenient for them’’, says Lars Brenne, commercial director RelyOn Nutec Central Europe.
RelyOn Nutec offers the GWO BST blended learning both for the onshore and offshore wind industry. You can either participate in all modules of the Basic Safety Training or in the separate GWO training modules.
For more information: https://relyonnutec.com/en/courses/accreditations/gwo-basic-safety-training-bst-blended-learning/