We are TOS. A family business. Loyal and authentic. Founded in 1992 in Rotterdam. Today, a reliable maritime services provider connecting people from around the world, empowering and helping them find pleasure in their work.
Our business is a people business. We proactively support clients in finding flexible workforce and effective personnel solutions around the world. We supply the very best people for our clients in the maritime, onshore, offshore & wind energy sector. In our characteristic, personal and professional way.
TOS | People & Ship Delivery
Nautical Crew: Officers, Engineers, AB’s and Catering
Construction Crew: Foremen, Riggers, Gangway Operators, Electricians and Crane Operators
Maintenance Crew: E&I Technicians, Turbine Technicians and Mechanics
Supervisors: Lifting and Offshore construction
Project Staffing
Turnkey Ship Delivery
Flexible project teams: In recent years TOS specialised in providing construction and maintenance teams for the offshore wind installation and decommissioning projects in the North Sea, German Bight and Asia. These teams are used to working together and are trained according to the highest industry standards. We take care of the recruitment & selection, training and planning of these teams which we do in close cooperation with our clients. By outsourcing these HR services to TOS, our clients have a flexible and cost- efficient solution for their project teams.
Value for money: As a family company, we strongly believe in ‘Value for money’ and long-term partnerships with our clients and resources. At www.tos.nl you will find the most up-to-date list of our certification and more about our services.
Ivan Wagenaar, Commercial Director i.wagenaar@tos.nl
Marleen Stuurman, Operations Director m.stuurman@tos.nl