Nieuws & pers
26-03-2018 Gorinchem
Damen Anchor & Chain Factory delivers two anchors for the luxury yacht sector
Damen AKF is well known for its large stock of anchors and chains for the commercial shipping industry, but its scope of activities go further than that. The company’s expertise also extends to the manufacture…
22-03-2018 Rio de Janeiro
Walk to Work Brazil – Rio de Janeiro
EVENT DETAILSThe aim of this event is to bring together industry peers and experts to share and learn from experience with Walk to Work and how to implement or improve the W2W concept for…
21-03-2018 Gorinchem
Ontario Government accepts Damen proposal for full ferry electrification
Damen is pleased to announce that the Government of Ontario has accepted its proposal to build two ferries with full electric propulsion. Damen is building a Road Ferry 6819 and a Road Ferry 9819 (68…
21-03-2018 Delft
Ampelmann Technology in the Spotlight at Annual Awards
Ampelmann, a leader in the provision of safe offshore access to the energy industry, has been commended for its innovative N-type Icemann gangway with an OTC Spotlight on New Technology award. The N-type, nicknamed Icemann,…
20-03-2018 Leeuwarden
Sciencefiction wordt werkelijkheid met Data Science
Onlangs besloot het kabinet om per jaar twintig miljoen euro te investeren in supercomputers en de ‘digitale infrastructuur’ om onderzoek met behulp van big data te stimuleren. Het verwerken en onderzoeken van big data is…
20-03-2018 Rotterdam
Nuon wins permit for Dutch offshore wind farm without subsidy
Chinook C.V., a subsidiary company of Nuon, has been awarded the permit to construct and operate the wind farm at Sites I and II of the Hollandse Kust (zuid) Wind Farm Zone without subsidy. The…
19-03-2018 Den Haag
Uitvinder van de Ampelmann benoemd tot KIVI-erelid
Het Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (KIVI) benoemt dr. ir. Jan van der Tempel, CEO van Ampelmann en De Oude Bibliotheek, op woensdag 21 maart tot KIVI-erelid. Van der Tempel ontvangt het erelidmaatschap als erkenning van…
19-03-2018 Abu Dhabi
Adipec 2018: The place to be!
IRO invites you to participate in the Holland Pavilion at The Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) Exhibition 2018, taking place from 12-15 November 2018 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The…
16-03-2018 Hoofddorp
Marine services JV to operate as Atlas Professionals in Australasian market
The JV currently provides a broad range of services to the offshore oil and gas and marine sectors throughout Australia and New Zealand, including manning, logistics support, agency, catering and other operational services, with offices…
15-03-2018 Gorinchem
Damen unveils Multi Cat Water Injection Dredger
“Damen invented the Multi Cat as the ideal dredge support vessel – what I like to think of as floating work bench – for Cutter Suction Dredgers (CSD). This is a logical step forward for…
15-03-2018 Den Helder
Port of Den Helder ontvangt hercertificering Ecoport van ESPO
De verwachting is dat binnen afzienbare tijd de andere Waddenzeehavens (Den Oever, Harlingen, Lauwersoog en Groningen Seaports) ook gehercertificeerd worden. Het certificaat heeft een geldigheidsduur van twee jaar en wordt getoetst aan de hand van…
14-03-2018 Papendrecht
CEO Peter Berdowski acquires Boskalis shares
Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) announces that CEO Peter Berdowski today acquired 50,000 Boskalis shares. The shares were purchased by Mr Berdowski with his own funds through a bank. This announcement is made in addition…
13-03-2018 Cherbourg
Schrijf u nu in voor de Holland Paviljoen/ Business Lounge tijdens Seanergy/ICOE 2018 in Cherbourg
Schrijf u nu in voor de Holland Paviljoen/ Business Lounge tijdens Seanergy/ICOE 2018 in Cherbourg Actief op het gebied van offshore duurzame energie en heeft u interesse in deze in Frankrijk opkomende markt?Dan…
13-03-2018 Rotterdam
Award decision Windfarm Hollandse Kust Zuid to be announced on March 19 – the 1st Dutch tender without subsidy, way ahead of expectations.
Wind farm zone Hollandse Kust (zuid), 356 km² in total, is divided into 4 sites. Each site can accommodate 350 MW. TSO TenneT will build grid connections and construct two offshore substations in the wind…
13-03-2018 Sliedrecht
Electrical specialist Bakker Sliedrecht plays important part in conversion of Bokalift 1
Electrical installation company Bakker Sliedrecht has played an important part in the conversion of Boskalis’ heavy transport vessel (HTV) Finesse into transport and installation crane vessel (HLV) Bokalift 1. After the official launch, Boskalis will deploy the vessel…
12-03-2018 Rotterdam
Get to Know your Industry Counterpart & other Young IRO updates!
Get to know your industry counterpart & other Young IRO updates!Upcoming Intelligent Event: Within our industry it’s good to focus on your core business, however sometimes we get so caught up within…
08-03-2018 Papendrecht
Boskalis 2017 net result in line with expectations
HIGHLIGHTS IN 2017• Revenue: EUR 2.34 billion• EBITDA: EUR 437 million• Net profit: EUR 150 million• Order book: EUR 3.50 billion• Proposed dividend: EUR 1.00 per share OUTLOOK •…
08-03-2018 Leeuwarden
Aan de slag met blockchain? NHL Stenden laat zien hoe!
Betalen met een speciale studentenmunt of de authenticiteit van diploma’s garanderen? De mogelijkheden van blockchain zijn eindeloos. Dat geldt zeker ook voor het onderwijs. Meer dan 200 studenten, docenten en onderwijsprofessionals kwamen daarom dinsdag 6…
08-03-2018 Gorinchem
Albwardy Damen receives Superbrands 2018 award
Albwardy Damen, the joint venture shipyard in Sharjah, UAE, between the Damen Shipyards Group and UAE-based Albwardy Investment, has received a prestigious Superbrands 2018 Award from Superbrands Worldwide, the world’s largest independent arbiter of branding.
07-03-2018 Rotterdam
Matchmaking op 13 maart met Braziliaanse delegatie voor biogas
Bent u actief in de biogassector en geïnteresseerd in zakendoen met Brazilië? Kom dan naar de matchmaking voorafgaand aan de Brazil Network Day op 13 maart 2018 in Rotterdam. Hier ontmoet u Braziliaanse ondernemers…
07-03-2018 Delfzijl
Walk to Work vessel Kasteelborg put into service
Today the second walk-to-work ship of Wagenborg Offshore was put into service under the name ‘Kasteelborg’. The vessel has been converted from a standard offshore supply vessel to this specialized walk-to-work vessel in just 12…
06-03-2018 Delft
Symposium ‘Moving away from Fossil Fuels – Great opportunities for the oil & gas industry’
The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) is organizing a symposium on the opportunities and threats of the energy transition for our industry at the Hague University of Applied Science on May 1st, 2018.
05-03-2018 Tehran
Gezocht: Partner voor leveren van Operations & Maintenance voor FPSO Cyrus voor Iraanse tender South Pars
Wij ontvingen het volgende bericht van het Iraanse bedrijf Fateh Sanat Kimia (FSK): Er loopt een tender voor FPSO Cyrus – South Pars Oil Layer in Iran.Voor deze tender is FSK op zoek naar…
05-03-2018 Rotterdam
How the Offshore Wind Energy Industry can overcome the Jones Act
Europe’s decade-long economic and regulatory commitment to the offshore wind industry has paid off. With approximately 14 GW of power installed as of June 2017, the continent now boasts more than 90% of global offshore…
05-03-2018 Wageningen
Nederlands instituut MARIN onderzoekt Koreaanse veerbootramp
Hiervoor zijn uitgebreide proeven uitgevoerd met twee schaalmodellen van de Sewol in MARIN’s testbassins in Wageningen. Daarbij waren naast de SIC ook steeds vertegenwoordigers van de families van de slachtoffers aanwezig. De Koreaanse pers volgt…
05-03-2018 Leidschendam
Publication 2017 annual report
Today Fugro has published its 2017 annual report on print version will be available as of 16 March. The 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders will take place on…
26-02-2018 Gorinchem
Damen Shipyards Cape Town (DSCT) receives Project Biro order from Armscor
DSCT received the order exactly four years to the day that it received the order to deliver vessels for a previous project for the South African Navy – Project Canter. The yard is delighted to…
26-02-2018 Den Helder
DNV GL and Bluestream sharing experiences
On January 24, 2018, a unique seminar took place on board the SS Rotterdam berthed in the port of Rotterdam. For the third time, DNV GL – Oil & Gas the Netherlands organized an ‘Upstream…
26-02-2018 Sliedrecht
Bakker Sliedrecht delivers electrical installations of the Coral EnergICE
Bakker Sliedrecht has delivered the electrical installations of the Coral EnergICE. Anthony Veder will operate this super 1A ice class LNG tanker, with a loading capacity of 18000 m³.Responsible for all electrical installations…
26-02-2018 Bremerhaven
Internationale matchmaking tijdens Windforce 2018 conferentie
Bent u opzoek naar potentiele internationale samenwerkingspartners op het gebied van offshore wind energy? Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) organiseert op 15 mei 2018 een internationaal matchmaking event tijdens het internationale offshore wind event WINDFORCE 2018…
23-02-2018 Schiedam
Jumbo Completes Project for the Arkona Offshore Wind Farm
Earlier this year Jumbo completed their project for the Arkona offshore wind farm (E.ON and Statoil).The entire project involves the construction of a 385MW offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. Van Oord contracted Jumbo…
23-02-2018 Senegal
Welke bedrijven willen deelnemen aan PIB voor Senegal? (1)
IRO en de Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC) zijn in gesprek over het indienen van een PIB-plan bij RVO, de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland.Zo’n PIB (Partners in International Business) is een driejarig programma, gericht op…
23-02-2018 Senegal
Welke bedrijven willen deelnemen aan PIB voor Senegal?
IRO en de Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC) zijn in gesprek over het indienen van een PIB-plan bij RVO, de Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. Zo’n PIB (Partners in International Business) is een driejarig programma, gericht op…
21-02-2018 Papendrecht
Boskalis receives EUR 300 million Letter of Award for Singapore Finger Pier 3 development
Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. (Boskalis) has received a Letter of Award from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) for the port development project Tuas Terminal Phase II in Singapore, also referred to as…
15-02-2018 Taiwan
Taiwan Offshore wind mission
Are you working in the offshore wind sector and looking for new business opportunities? Join the offshore wind mission to Taiwan from 16-20 April 2018. The mission will be organized by…
15-02-2018 Dakar
Uw bedrijf bij Senegalees-Nederlands seminar in Dakar over Maritieme Veiligheid & Offshore activiteiten?
Graag informeren wij u dat het Nederlandse Ministerie van Defensie en de Nederlandse Ambassade in Dakar in samenwerking met en met bijdragen van een aantal Senegalese partijen (Hassmar, de Port Autonome de Dakar, de…
15-02-2018 China
China Offshore wind mission (14-18 May)
In the past years HHWE has organized several offshore wind missions to China. We have learned that the southern provinces of Jiangsu, Fujian and Guangzhou are very open…
14-02-2018 Rotterdam
Invitation to the next Oil & Gas Reinvented Community event
An exclusive invitation to the next Oil & Gas Reinvented Community event:CONNECTING INDUSTRIES – Creating value from SYSTEM INTEGRATION. 6 March 2018, Feyenoord Stadium, Rotterdam, The NetherlandsAfternoon from 13:00 –…
13-02-2018 Rotterdam
Jack-up vessel Seafox 5 departs Damen Verolme Rotterdam ready for the next generation of wind turbines
Delivered in 2012, Seafox 5 is owned and operated by jack-up specialist Seafox BV; the world´s largest offshore jack-up ASV / offshore support company. 151 metres long and with a breadth of 50 metres, she…
13-02-2018 Waddinxveen
Heerema assigns DGI Doedijns for delivery of Upend & Flood Control System for Peregrino II Jacket
Heerema Fabrication Group awarded DGI Doedijns, specialist in engineered hydraulic solutions, to design and deliver the Flooding System Upend Control System for the ‘Peregrino II Jacket’. The Flooding System Upend Control Center consists of 56…
13-02-2018 Sliedrecht
Croonwolter&dros and Bakker Sliedrecht to deliver complete electrical installation of integrated reel lay vessel for Subsea 7
Croonwolter&dros and Bakker Sliedrecht have obtained the order to engineer, manufacturer, install and commission the complete electrical installation of the new reel lay vessel that Royal IHC is building for Subsea 7. The technologically advanced…
13-02-2018 Numansdorp
Seatools to supply remote offshore monitoring system for The Ocean Cleanup
Jan Frumau, Managing Director at Seatools, is very pleased with the contract. “Besides the fact that we thoroughly support this meaningful initiative, the project is compelling from a technological viewpoint as well. It requires a…
12-02-2018 Norwich
SNS2018 – The Southern North Sea Conference & Exhibition: 28 February & 1 March 2018
SNS2018 The leading ‘All Energy’, Southern North Sea event in the UK featuring Updates from all the main offshore wind developers in UK SNS waters, supply chain opportunities from many of the major gas…
12-02-2018 Rotterdam
Young IRO turns one, so let’s take it to the next level! (Request for speakers at first Intelligent Event)
The game-changing launch of the Space X Falcon Heavy on 6 February. The Space industry has a lot in common with the Offshore Industry. Both industries can learn a lot from each other. It…
08-02-2018 Haren
ELA Container Offshore to support Wind Energy Event in Galveston, USA
Texas and Lower Saxony are the leading wind energy states in the US and in Germany respectively. Whilst Lower Saxony is planning to expand its offshore wind capacity from around 2,000 MW to 15,000…
08-02-2018 Gorinchem
Bibby Marine Services secures OSJ Offshore Renewables Award with Damen SOV
Bibby Marine Services has been awarded an Offshore Support Journal (OSJ) Offshore Renewables Award for the Bibby WaveMaster 1. The vessel is the first Damen Service Operations Vessel (SOV), a unique, purpose-built vessel for the…
08-02-2018 Sliedrecht
Bakker Sliedrecht replaces sand pump drive of cutter suction dredger Huta 14
Delivery of new sand pump driveBakker Sliedrecht was responsible for the engineering, assembly, and commissioning of the sand pump drive that will improve the efficiency of the dredger. The integration of the electrical system…
07-02-2018 Rotterdam
Invitation to join the Partners for International Business program for Offshore Wind in Taiwan
Are you working in the offshore wind sector and looking for new business opportunities in Taiwan? Join the PIB Offshore Wind Cluster Taiwan and receive full and dedicated support of the Dutch government for a…
06-02-2018 Kinderdijk
Royal IHC hits first milestones for Subsea 7 reel lay vessel
Notable achievements include the early completion of the model testing for resistance and propulsion as well as seakeeping performance validation, both of which were conducted at MARIN to the full satisfaction of the client. In addition, crucial…
06-02-2018 Hoofddorp
Atlas Professionals Opens Recruitment Hub in Vlissingen (NL)
Local Employment OpportunitiesThere is rapid growth in the development of windfarms in the Netherlands, especially the province of Zeeland. As well as an expansion in local employment opportunities in the wind industry. The opening…
05-02-2018 Den Haag
Brexit VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland
De Brexit bijeenkomst bij VNO-NCW en MKB-Nederland in Den Haag van 26 januari was een geslaagde bijeenkomst. Experts gaven bruikbare tips, iedereen werd bijgepraat door Hans de Boer (voorzitter VNO-NCW), Mona Keijzer (staatssecretaris EZK) en…
01-02-2018 Rotterdam
IRO Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue 2018 – Book now!
The preparations for the 2018 edition of the Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue are already in full swing!…
01-02-2018 Koeweit
Interessepeiling conferentie Koeweit over wederopbouw Irak: 13 februari 2018
De Kamer van Koophandel van Koeweit organiseert in februari een donorconferentie voor de wederopbouw van Irak.Tijdens de tweede dag van deze conferentie, dinsdag 13 februari 2018, staan investeringen van de private sector op het programma.De…
24-01-2018 Gorinchem
Damen Shipyards Cape Town contracted for CSD 250 for Dredging Africa
Mr Arend van de Wetering, Director of Dredging Africa said: “We are very happy to be working with DSCT for the delivery of this dredger. From the outset, the collaboration has been excellent; Damen have…
23-01-2018 Rotterdam
With 65.718 visitors from 99 countries, ONS 2016 was again a well-attended exhibition. Furthermore, the developments in Norwegian Continental Shelf are promising, which will create interesting opportunities for…
22-01-2018 Gorinchem
Damen signs contract with Canada’s Group Ocean for two Modular Multi Cats
Recently, at the New Orleans Workboat Festival in the United States, Damen Shipyards Group signed a contract with Canada-based Group Ocean for the delivery of two Modular Multi Cats 1205. The vessels, which are made…
22-01-2018 Sliedrecht
Bakker Sliedrecht finishes retrofit of deep-sea winch drive system of research vessel Pelagia
Before embarking on a global ocean research expedition, the research vessel Pelagia of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Sea Research NIOZ needed a retrofit of her obsolete deep-sea winch drive system. This winch has a…
22-01-2018 Wageningen
Snelle, wendbare monohulls bij MARIN’s Ontwerp- en Zeilwedstrijd
Het winnende team, bestaande uit Emile Kaihatu, Rosemijn Wijnen, Max Heilig, Laura Slootweg en Marc Meijnema van de TU Delft, wist met een goed gebalanceerd ontwerp de winst te behalen. Een relatief groot zeiloppervlak bestaande…
19-01-2018 Utrecht
Het Nederlandse energiesysteem in één oogopslag
Energie laat bijvoorbeeld het licht branden, zorgt voor warm water, zorgt ervoor dat fabrieken kunnen werken, drijft auto’s en schepen aan, enz enz enz. De winning en het gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen leiden tot uitstoot van…
18-01-2018 Gorinchem
Second Vroon W2W vessel completes modifications and outfitting at Damen Shiprepair Oranjewerf
The eight-week programme for VOS Stone involved a wide range of activities, including installation of a 50-tonne active heave-compensated, knuckle-boom crane, along with taut-wire, RadaScan, and Hipap from Kongsberg for the vessel-positioning system, a boat…