After years of enthusiastic dedication for Young IRO, Laurens van Gelder and Nick van der Steen have decided to pass the baton to a new board member. A special thanks to Laurens and Nick who were at the cradle of Young IRO, set out the vision and helped it grow to what we are today! Big shoes to fill, but we are certain we have found someone able to help us bring Young IRO to the next level. We are very happy to introduce you to our new hero:
Timon Ligterink (Huisman Equipment)
“The Offshore industry has been in my life for as long as I can remember. During my father’s career at Seaway Heavy Lifting (now Seaway 7) he took me aboard the Stanislav Yudin, used to install offshore oil and gas platforms. It’d be cheesy to say this experience led me to choose a career in engineering, but it definitely made a lasting impression.
After finishing my Bachelor Mechanical Engineering and a Master’s in Marketing and Strategy, I started working as a sales and concepts engineer for Huisman. After a couple of years I developed into the role of Sales Manager leading commercial projects in Europe and Japan. Through this role I experienced our transition towards a more sustainable future, led by the rise of renewable energy. This transition came not only in terms of strategic focus, but even more so in a transition of generations.
This is where I see my role in contributing to the Young-IRO: Connecting the enthusiastic renewable-minded youngsters to the experienced generation of oil and gas experts. The IRO is one of the strongest energy industry supply chain organizations in the world, and it is up to our generation to leverage this experience and safeguard our position for decades to come.”
Once again, a big thank you to Laurens and Nick for all the hard work and energy they’ve given to Young IRO. We will definitely keep in touch. Going forward, we are excited to have Timon on our team!
Young IRO