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IRO News July

20 juli 2020

Corona proof member meeting at KenzFigee

On 2 July we held our first member meeting of 2020 at KenzFigee! Complety corona proof with 1,5 meter distance. Within a few days we already had reached the maximum amount of registrations, 90 members joined the event. There were pitches of new IRO members, such as Van Woerkom, Nobels & Ten Veen, BRIDGES2000, Nedal Aluminium…read more




Recordings of IRO webinar Data & Behavioural change

The webinar about data and behavioural change was the last one before summer holidays. More than 38 participants joined the session on 16 July and learned on how to make use of data and behavioural change regarding safety and sustainability. Missed the webinar? You can watch the recordings here!

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A sustainable ocean economy in 2030: Opportunities and challenges

What will the sustainable ocean economy look like in 2030? What risks and opportunities face companies and investors? Will the post-coronavirus recovery help or hinder the ocean’s potential to create economic growth and jobs? In this report the World Ocean Initiative assesses the challenges facing key sectors in the ocean economy, including seafood, shipping, tourism and renewable energy.

Customs between the Netherlands and the UK returns

After 27 years, customs for business between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom will return. Harry Mulder, from the Ministry of Finance, is an expert in European customs legislation. ‘A proper preparation could save a lot of money!’ Read the full article here.

Discount for IRO members on conferences of Management Productions

IRO members will receive  a discount of € 50,-  on several conferences by using code IRO50. Registration before 1 August. The discount applies on the following conferences; Havencongres: 29 september, Rotterdam Energy Port: 28 oktober, Fueling the Future summit, hydrogen: 10 november, CO2 Conferentie: 3 december.

A safe and sunny summer!

Summer holidays are here, a bit different than we are used to. Nevertheless, the IRO team wishes you a safe and sunny summer and we hope to see you all again at one of our events in the autumn!

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