News & Press
23-12-2024 Member news
Elcee Group B.V. versterkt haar positie in smeedstukken en gietstukken met acquisitie van Chinforce B.V.
Elcee Group B.V., een toonaangevende leverancier van klantspecifieke, mission-critical engineered mechanische componenten en assemblages, kondigt met trots de overname van Chinforce B.V. aan. Deze strategische overname stelt ELCEE Group in staat haar positie als toonaangevende…
20-12-2024 Member news
SMST to supply mission equipment for newbuild CSOV Rem Offshore
SMST has been awarded a contract by shipbuilder Vard Vung Tau to supply mission equipment for Rem Offshore’s new Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV). After having outfitted the CSOV Rem Energy with similar equipment in…
20-12-2024 Member news
Huisman integrates system for controlled blade installation into cranes for Havfram
Huisman has received an order for the delivery of a Travelling Load Stabilising System, which will be integrated into both 3,000+mt Leg Encircling Cranes for Havfram’s two new NG-20000X-HF Wind Turbine Installation Vessels. The…
19-12-2024 IRO news
Fijne feestdagen en een gezond en energiek 2025!
🎄 Wij wensen al onze leden en relaties fijne feestdagen en een gezond en energiek 2025! ✨ Vanaf 1 januari gaat het IRO team met nieuwe energie verder onder NMT-IRO en verwelkomen we jullie…
Boekaankondiging en winactie ‘Wat een energie!’
Maritiem en offshore in nieuw kinderboek Wat een energie! Iedereen die werkt aan energietransitie weet hoeveel er moet gebeuren om netto nul uitstoot van broeikasgassen in 2050 te realiseren. De maritieme en offshore sectoren spelen…
13-12-2024 Member news
Huisman wins bid innovation award 2024
Huisman has been awarded the BID Innovation Award 2024, recognising the company’s groundbreaking contributions to step-changing technical solutions that drive the energy transition. This achievement comes as Huisman celebrates its 95th anniversary, highlighting nearly a…
05-12-2024 Member news
Delmar Systems celebrates milestone with delivery of 11,000th anchor to Van Oord, joined by special guest Sinterklaas
Delmar Systems, a global leader in offshore mooring and anchor technology, proudly celebrated the delivery of its 11,000th anchor at a special event on December 4th. The milestone anchor was purchased by Van Oord, a…
03-12-2024 Member news
Conbit Delivers SL900: Transforming Offshore Wind Lifting Operations
Conbit has launched the SL900, a versatile modular lifting system designed to meet the unique challenges of offshore wind projects. Successfully tested last month, the SL900 offers a game-changing alternative to crane vessels and jack-up…
29-11-2024 Member news
Assai en bundelen krachten voor toekomstbestendig document- en databeheer in de energiesector
Assai Software Services, wereldwijd marktleider in documentmanagementsoftware (DMS) voor de energie, bouw- en mijnbouwsector en nutsvoorzieningen, neemt over. is gespecialiseerd in geavanceerde zoektools en oplossingen voor het opsporen van dataproblemen. Met deze strategische…
29-11-2024 IRO news
Reminder: meld u aan voor de subsidieregeling Maritieme Innovatieprojecten (MIP)
Wilt u als maritiem bedrijf innoveren op een van de onderstaande onderwerpen? Maak dan gebruik van de subsidieregeling Maritieme Innovatieprojecten (MIP) in het kader van de Sectoragenda voor de Maritieme Maakindustrie.
28-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Huisman awarded order for two knuckle boom cranes for Sea1 Offshore
Huisman has secured a contract for the delivery of two 250mt Knuckle Boom Cranes, to be installed on the new ST-245-designed offshore energy support vessels of Sea1 Offshore, a Norwegian shipping company. The contract was…
28-11-2024 Member news
World’s strongest land-based crane completes fully electric operations testing
SK6000 zero-emission functionality confirmed – for even the remotest projects Mammoet’s SK6000 – the world’s strongest land-based crane – has been tested for fully electric operation. It now offers zero-emission capability to projects taking place…
26-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Atlas Professionals Secures Ørsted Contracts for Wind Turbine Generator Support Services
Atlas Professionals has renewed its contract with Ørsted, the global offshore wind energy leader, to provide skilled personnel for Technical, Specialised, and Uptower Repair WTG Support services across the UK, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
22-11-2024 IRO news
Seminar: A Blue Connection – Portugal & The Netherlands, Tuesday 10 December
On Tuesday 10 December the economic seminar A Blue Connection – Portugal & The Netherlands will take place in Amsterdam. The event will be organized by AICEP – Portugal’s Trade & Investment Agency and NML – The Dutch…
21-11-2024 Member news
Foxdrill team completes another successful knuckle boom cylinder replacement
Following the successful execution of an inventive rigging solution to replace the cylinders of knuckle boom cranes on a drillship in the Ivory Coast last summer, the Foxdrill team recently faced a similar challenge on…
21-11-2024 Member news
KNRM geeft grootste werfopdracht ooit
Twaalf reddingboten dankzij schenkingen en nalatenschappen De Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM) heeft opdracht gegeven voor de bouw van twaalf nieuwe reddingboten. Niet eerder in de 200-jarige historie van de KNRM werd zo’n grote opdracht…
21-11-2024 Fossiele energie, Member news
Green Yard orders SMST mission equipment
SMST has been awarded a contract by shipbuilder Green Yard Kleven for the delivery of a gangway (TAB-L2), with an Access and Cargo Tower (ACT), and a 50t Knuckle Boom Crane (KBC) for the newbuild…
19-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Mammoet selected to marshal over 100 XL monopile foundations for RWE’s offshore wind farms Nordseecluster A and Thor
The heavy transport specialist will move over 100 monopiles for wind turbines over the course of a year on site. Mammoet has signed a contract with Buss Ports to marshal wind turbine generator foundations for…
19-11-2024 Member news
One Week to Go: 400+ Exhibitors from Offshore Energy Industry to Gather in Amsterdam
400+ exhibitors and co-exhibitors booked their spot at OEEC 2024 Businesses and organizations from across the offshore energy sector and beyond Conference program: spotlight on seabed security, offshore wind and CCS Navingo, the organizer of…
New Energy for Fischcon and CSH
Fischcon and Compressor Systems Holland (CSH) are proud to announce the return to their original brand names, reflecting the companies’ long-standing expertise in Compressor Packages and Fire Water Pump Packages. As of October 1st, CSH…
19-11-2024 Member news
C-Job Naval Architects Appoints Kasia Romantowska to Oversee Gdańsk Operations
Will Lead Sales and Engineering Teams in Poland C-Job Naval Architects–a leading global ship designer at the forefront of maritime design and engineering, with real-world expertise in future fuels like hydrogen, methanol and ammonia–today announced…
19-11-2024 IRO news
IRO en NMT directeur Jeroen de Graaf te gast bij BNR – Zakendoen – 20 november
Op woensdag 20 november zal onze directeur Jeroen de Graaf te gast zijn bij het programma ‘Zakendoen’ van BNR Nieuwsradio. Het programma start om 12.00 uur, Jeroen is vanaf 12.30-13.00 uur te horen over zijn…
Terugblik ADIPEC 2024
Van 4-7 november vond in Abu Dhabi de ADIPEC plaats. De beurs was zeer druk, de organisatie heeft 205.139 bezoekers gecommuniceerd: met recht het grootste energie-evenement ter wereld. Alle vier de dagen waren er…
15-11-2024 IRO news, Young IRO
Wiegert Krijgsman is commissioning engineer bij Huisman. In deze functie stelt hij offshore-equipment in bedrijf, in Schiedam of het in buitenland. Daarnaast is hij bestuurslid bij Young IRO, dat met wisselende pen columnist is in…
15-11-2024 Member news
N-Sea concludes contract for the development of a new-built operations support base in IJmuiden in 2025!
We are proud to announce that N-Sea Group has signed a contract to build a new operations support base with our valued partner MSCY B.V. who develops and operates facilities at Zeehaven IJmuiden Port (NL).
Oók NMT leden stemmen unaniem in met fusie NMT en IRO
Vanmiddag hebben de leden van NMT (VNSI en VHME) tijdens hun algemene ledenvergadering unaniem ingestemd met de fusie met IRO. Per 1 januari 2025 gaan NMT en IRO officieel samen verder als NMT-IRO. Met…
12-11-2024 Member news
INEOS and Royal Wagenborg sign multi-year contract for CO2 carrier in the presence of HM King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands and HM King Frederik of Denmark
Today, in the presence of HM King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands and HM King Frederik of Denmark INEOS and Royal Wagenborg have signed a landmark agreement on the delivery of a new build CO₂…
12-11-2024 Sustainability, Member news
Van Oord completes major dredging project in Egypt
Van Oord has finished dredging two new port basins in Ain Sokhna Port, successfully completing a project that forms part of a port expansion programme meant to improve and develop the Suez Canal Economic Zone…
07-11-2024 Member news
Maritime Awards Gala viert innovatie in de sector
Op maandagavond 4 november vierde de maritieme sector zoals ieder jaar haar innovatieve karakter. Tijdens het Maritime Awards Gala in Hilversum werden vijf prijzen uitgereikt aan mensen, bedrijven en andere instellingen, die een vernieuwende bijdrage…
05-11-2024 Member news
N-Sea Group continues its fleet expansion with a new-build hybrid survey and ROV support vessel
Today, we have signed a long term charter agreement with Mainport Shipping Ltd for the delivery of an additional new-build hybrid survey and ROV support vessel, the Geo Master. This vessel is of similar design…