“Developments in the Malaysian Oil & Gas and Energy Sectors”

Online Webinars

Exclusively for Dutch companies in the oil & gas and related sectors (such as maritime, energy, offshore energy), the Embassy of the Netherlands to Malaysia and the Malaysian Dutch Business Council are organising a webinar entitled “Developments in the Malaysian Oil & Gas and Energy sectors“.

Date: Tuesday, 2 June
Time: 10:00 – 11:15 hrs NL time
Webinar Platform: Zoom
This webinar is free of charge for the above mentioned target audience.

* Malaysian Oil & Gas Industry: Current Situation and Outlook
* Crowd Sourcing of Technology Through PETRONAS Innovation Gateway
* Green transition in Malaysian O&G and energy sector
* New Investment Prospects: Discovered Resource Opportunities and Late Life Assets
* Investment incentives for foreign companies in the O&G and Maritime sectors

For more information and registration click here