- 28 March 2023 | 09:30 hrs
- Location: Stadspaleis ZZIIN
- The Hague
The theme for the Energy Reinvented Community 2023 rightfully is ‘Greening security of supply’. We feel all the attention in our sector should structurally focus on building a sustainable energy system, and to deal with this in the context of the heartfelt energy challenges of today: geopolitical security of supply, energy poverty, massive capacity issues due to electrification, and the urgent need for demand response management to change our behavior to reduce the volumes of our energy consumption.
This will be at the centre of our first event in 2023: “Heat Transition – Scale to the people”. Heat forms a substantial part of our energy system, produced and consumed in industry, horticulture, and in our homes and offices in the built environment. At the moment, the Netherlands are not even close to reaching its climate goals set for these sectors in the Climate Agreement of 2019. And we are starting to feel the consequences. This situation requires us to increase our efforts to address climate goals while preventing worsening the pressure on our energy bills, energy dependency, and sustainability efforts. For this we urgently need acceleration and scale. Gaining insight, better overview and planning, but also collaboration and inclusion, and improving execution power are all needed. The event ‘Heat transition – Scale to the people’ seeks to contribute to step up these efforts.
For more info on the programme and registration click here.