Offshore wind

The Netherlands is working on sustainable, reliable and affordable energy that is available to everyone. A transition to a sustainable energy supply is of great importance for the national contribution to the goals of the Paris climate agreement. In addition, the declining availability of fossil fuels and the degree of dependence on international energy suppliers also creates the demand for alternative methods of energy supply. The Dutch North Sea can play a major role in achieving the goals of the climate agreement and the transition to a sustainable energy supply, for example by means of offshore wind energy. Now that the need to reduce CO2 emissions worldwide has become very urgent, the demand for sustainable energy is growing. Offshore wind can play a key role in achieving global climate goals.

View below the IRO members who are active in the field of Offshore wind.

Offshore Wind news

  • 11-07-2024 IRO news, Offshore Wind

    Terugblik Global Offshore Wind

    Elk jaar is Global Offshore Wind een erg goede beurs en ook dit jaar werden de verwachtingen weer waargemaakt. Met 15 bedrijven op 72 m2 was het Nederlandse Paviljoen volledig gevuld. De reacties van…

  • 09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind

    TenneT en KNRM gaan samenwerking aan voor veilig werken op zee

    Netbeheerder TenneT en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM) hebben vandaag officieel een samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor de komende vijf jaar bekrachtigd. Beide organisaties hebben veilig werken op zee hoog op de agenda. TenneT doneert de komende…

  • 09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind

    Crane and SPMT transfer decrease downtime for TP load-in

    Transition piece marshaling utilized fast and efficient SPMT and crawler crane transfer method for an offshore wind farm 22 kilometers off the Scottish coast, Moray West marks the third offshore wind farm in the Moray…


  • NedZero
  • Wind & Water Works