Breman Machinery makes components for builders of machinery. Engineering bureaus and industrial end users, such as; offshore companies, the military, aerospace companies and other industrial firms.
From simple structures to complex mechanical components. Work-pieces of high precision, often with extreme dimensions and weights. Work-pieces that weigh tens or even hundreds of tonnes and are made to a precision of a hundredth of a millimeter. Samples of workmanship. What’s unique about Breman Machinery is that they are able to produce these components and structures entirely in house. They have the people, machines and facilities under their own roof.
- All machining and non-machining processing of (heavy) materials
- Welding and structures
- Assembly and fitting
- Corrosion protection
Breman Machinery uses their unique machine capacity for their own projects and to supply specific components to third parties. What they aim for is custom-designed solutions.
ISO9001, ISO3834 and VCA-certified
Extreme precision!