On Thursday the 23rd of May, jobseekers and other interested visitors can become acquainted with the maritime, offshore and energy sector in a special way. During the Navingo Career Event several activities are organized, both indoors as outdoors at the RDM Rotterdam – Onderzeebootloods. Visitors can sail along on a tender with Loodswezen, see the production hall of Ampelmann or walk through the repair yards of Damen Shipyards after a cruise on their ship. This way, they can get a good impression of the career options in the sector, and meet the companies present in an interactive way.
Complete program
Visitors not immediately looking for a job are also welcome at the Navingo Career Event. For them there is ample opportunity to acquire knowledge, network and hear from the experts and professionals in the sector. The complete program is now viewable on the website NavingoCareerEvent.com.
Meeting companies
Visitor can meet top companies in the Onderzeebootloods such as Tennet, Royal IHC, FEADSHIP, Shell, Multraship and DEME Offshore in an informal way and face-to-face. For them it’s a great opportunity to make a good first impression and talk about career options within these companies.
Developing knowledge and skills
Through skill-sessions with themes such as machine learning or how to ‘pitch’ yourself, visitors of the Navingo Career Event can also work on their personal development. They can also join the conversation at one of the talk shows at Community Square with themes such as heavy lifting, autonomous shipping and digitalization. At ‘The Stage’ employees give short presentations about their work at the companies.
Experience the sector
Leading innovations, worldwide ambition and daring craftsmanship characterize the maritime, offshore and energy sector. At the outdoor area visitors can meet the sector and the companies at the event in a special way: they can see the latest innovations, can join sailing cruises and participate in activities.
Free registration
As of 10:00 hrs the Onderzeebootloods opens its doors, and as of 17:00 till 21:00 hrs the afterparty takes place in which partners and visitors can network and catch up. The event is easy to reach by car, bus, waterbus and watertaxi. From Rotterdam Central Station, shuttle buses drive throughout the day. For free registration to the event, visit NavingoCareerEvent.com.