Embracing the energy transition – From our Backyard to the North Sea?


Embracing the energy transition – From our Backyard to the North Sea?

The next Oil & Gas Reinvented Community event is here!

Your exclusive invitation to the next Oil & Gas Reinvented Community event.
After the success of our last event, we now bring you:


27 June 2019, RDM Campus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Afternoon from 13:00 – 16:30h
Evening from 18:00 – 21:00h

A walking dinner is offered in between the two sessions from 16:45 – 17:45h

Participation fee: 75 €
(free membership of the OGRC is required)

This event is the second in a series of three events within the overall 2019 annual theme of Embracing the Energy Transition. Recognizing that energy transition can only be successful if there is general support by all stakeholders.

In this event we will focus on the North Sea as the new playground for energy transition. Oil and Gas production is in decline, and offshore wind is booming. But are we using the North Sea as the solution to our energy transition challenges because we not prepared to use our backyards onshore? And are we creating new challenges by interfering with the traditional functions of the North Sea, such as fishery, shipping, recreation, nature protection? Is it possible to create a new energy system in the North Sea in balance with food production, nature protection and other economic functions?

In the afternoon we will open with an overview by TNO of the current functions of the North Sea and the challenges that the energy transition with generate for the existing users. The ‘Noordzeeboerderij’ is testing new use of the North Sea for food and energy production in the Offshore Innovation lab near The Hague. In particular seewead. What is the future perspective?
Thereafter, we will get together to discuss and work on recent developments in the regular Working Group meetings on Digital Oil & Gas, Offshore Energy, and the new working group “Community Engagement”.

After a welcome by TNO and an evaluation of the working group sessions, the evening program will start with the international perspective from the UK side with Huub den Rooijen, CEO of The Crown Estate. UK is leading in offshore wind and further expansion is planned.

How the future of the North Sea in the eyes of school kids will be presented with the current ‘’Major of your North Sea’’ – Mariken BetsemaJacques Wallage of OFL is leading the process to develop a North Sea Agreement with all stakeholders and will reflect on the current developments.

This will be followed by a panel discussion with stakeholders of the North Sea, Mr. Kwast of the Dutch Navy, Gijs van den Boomen of KuiperCompanons, Koen van der Swam of Noordzeeboerderij and Jan Busstra of Min. I&W.
Finally, keynote speakers Han Fennema (CEO Gasunie) and Manon van Beek (CEO TenneT), will discuss the future perspective of an integrated energy system in the North Sea.

We hope to see you all on 27 June at the RDM Campus Rotterdam.


Please find the full program here. Make sure to sign up to this event and head over to our LinkedIn page and FORUM (membership required) to start the discussion on Energy Transition at the North Sea.


Sign up now on the website, as there is limited capacity! Deadline for registration ends on Thursday 20 June 2019.

Kind regards,

Rene Peters, Jan Prins, Barthold Schroot and Ewald Breunesse.

Questions, ideas or other kinds of feedback? Please send an email to connie@oilandgasreinvented.com

Please note that we ask a participation fee of €75 this time in view of too many no-shows during the recent events which prevented others to participate.