Navingo Career Event goes digital

09-10-2020 Member news

Navingo Career Event goes digital

On 27 and 28 October 2020 jobseekers and those who are interested can digitally meet employers from the maritime, offshore and energy sector during the online Navingo Career Event. During this live event, participants can discover the career opportunities with these companies and will be able to follow talk shows and showcases about (career) opportunities in the industry.

Online event

In its successful 14-year history, Navingo Career Event has always been Europe’s largest dedicated career event for the maritime, offshore and energy industries. This year’s obstacles surrounding the coronavirus has adapted Navingo Career Event into a digital event. From the online Digital Event Platform visitors gain access to companies, recruiters, talkshows and more.


With the new online event set-up, visitors also get a good impression of both career opportunities and the overall offshore energy industry. A dynamic world in which every day is a new adventure, whether you work in sales, engineering, HR, IT, research or otherwise.

Combined with the live programme of Offshore Energy, visitors discover national and international challenges that companies are facing and working on. The online programme takes place on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 October2020 in (largely) a virtual setting,  is live-streamed and is in English.

Offshore Energy

Offshore Energy is a successful international B2B event for players that realise the energy transition. Like Navingo Career Event, it is held 27 and 28 October 2020 . The programme of Offshore Energy is combined with the programme of Navingo Career Event. After October, more Navingo Career events with specific themes will follow.

How to participate in the online Navingo Career Event? 

Register for free at Participants will receive a link in their e-mail that gives  access to Navingo Career Event in the online environment. Follow the combined programme on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 October 2020.