Today the second walk-to-work ship of Wagenborg Offshore was put into service under the name ‘Kasteelborg’. The vessel has been converted from a standard offshore supply vessel to this specialized walk-to-work vessel in just 12 weeks at the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard. A performance that both NAM / Shell UK and Wagenborg are proud of.
Kasteelborg will support the offshore activities on the southern North Sea under a 6-year contract with the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM) and SHELL UK Exploration & Production (Shell UK). The so-called ‘Walk-to-Work Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel’ (W2W ERRV) will act as a standby and support vessel for inspection and maintenance of the unmanned platforms in both Dutch and British waters.
The royal couple ‘Kroonborg and Kasteelborg’
De Kasteelborg will be deployed together with Kroonborg for the maintenance of the dozens of unmanned platforms of NAM / Shell UK. The original idea of the Kroonborg was to have all the major maintenance carried out. However, in practice the vessel was often used for unscheduled interventions at other platforms. This made it impossible in practice to carry out maintenance according to a long-term planning. Kasteelborg will therefore, next to Kroonborg, be deployed on this ad-hoc work. The cooperation between Kroonborg and Kasteelborg is a unique combination in the world of offshore maintenance.