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IRO News February

17 februari 2020

Inspiring NMT-IRO MarCom event ‘Digital value creation’!

More than 85 enthusiastic MarCom professionals, members of IRO and NMT, met on Thursday 6 February 2020 for an inspiring and educational afternoon on digital value creation. The beautiful building of the DOB Academy in Delft created an inspiring environment. The world has changed completely and the developments in the marketing and communication profession have certainly changed. ‘Digital‘ has played a major role in the media mix for many years. But how do you really create value for your customers in the digital landscape? Keynote speaker Ayman van Bregt, digital strategist, brought surprising insights about ‘Digital Value Creation‘…read more


New members

IRO would like to welcome the following new members:

Expo 2020 Dubai unique opportunity for Dutch industry

The Expo 2020 Dubai will take place from October 2020 until April 2021. Over 200 countries will be represented and upwards of 20 to 25 million visitors are expected. “Uniting water, energy and food” is the Dutch entrance to the Expo…read more

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Trade mission Mexico with Prime Minister Rutte

Interested in doing business in Mexico? Join the trade mission which will focus on Maritime/Energy from 21 – 24 April. The mission will take place in the presence of Prime Minister Rutte…read more

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Save the Dutch gas production for the sake of the climate

An interesting point of view of Jilles van den Beukel and Lucia van Geuns on Dutch gas production. Consumption isn’t decreasing, which leads to a growing import of less clean Russian gas. read more

Save these dates: 2 April & 30 June!

The next ‘Leden Ontmoeten Leden’ meetings will take place on 2 april 2020 at KenzFigee and 30 June 2020 at Bolidt. Block your calendars for these upcoming events and we hope to see you there!


We have a few spots left in the Holland Pavilion at ONS 2020. Show yourselves in Norway and book stand now! Want to know the possibilities? Please contact Wasilika Pupovac-Moutzouridis

Have you already booked your spot on the joint wall panel for Mexican Petroleum Congress?

Don’t miss your spot on the IRO wall panel within the Dutch Pavilion at the Mexican Petroleum Congress, which will take place from 24 June till 27 June 2020 in Monterrey, Mexico! We have five sections available. You can contact Wasilika Pupovac-Moutzouridis for your possibilities or click here for more information.

Young IRO event: How green is green energy

In recent times environmental issues are high on everyone’s agenda. It can be both inspiring as well as confusing, depending on who you ask. How do we deal with this conflict of interest? Whose responsibility is it to generate or to consume greener energy? Find out during Young IRO’s event on April 16th at Bosch Rexroth in Boxtel. Be smart Like a Bosch and save the date.

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