Taiwan Offshore wind mission (16-20 April)

April 16 - 20 | Trade missions

Are you working in the offshore wind sector and looking for new business opportunities? Join the offshore wind mission to Taiwan from 16-20 April 2018. The mission will be organized by HHWE in collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Netherlands Trade and Investment Office (NTIO) in Taipei. As there are many opportunities for long term collaboration in Taiwan, the mission is open for all Dutch offshore wind.

In one week you will meet important public- and private stakeholders in the Taiwanese offshore wind energy industry. You will be introduced to government officials, developers & contractors, research institutes and other companies active in the offshore energy supply chain in Taiwan.

Why Taiwan?
Offshore wind in Taiwan is transitioning from infancy to maturity and has almost unbelievable potential. The Bureau of Energy (BoE) wants to achieve an ambitious target of 5,5 GW by 2025, which is a more than a third higher than the original plan set out in 2013. Strategy of BoE is to develop the offshore wind supply chain in Taiwan to boost the local economy. Many projects will be launched in the near future.
As an offshore nation The Netherlands has developed an enviable expertise in the offshore wind supply chain from construction to operation & maintenance, from monopile fabrication to vessel design and subsea services to port operation and logistics. This offshore wind mission could be an important stepping stone for Dutch companies that would like to be a part of the offshore wind developments in Taiwan.

Tentative program in April

The intention is to visit potential partners for cooperation in Taipei and Kaohsiung. The final program will be tuned as much as possible to the individual needs of the participants.

Costs mission

The mission is free of charge for PIB-members. HHWE members can participate at a fee of EUR 1.500 (excluding flight ticket and hotel costs).
For non-HHWE members the fee is EUR 2.000 (excluding flight ticket and hotel costs).
NWEA and IRO members can participate at a reduced fee of EUR 1.750 (excluding flight ticket and hotel costs).

To join us for the Taiwan Offshore Wind Mission please fill in and sign this registration form and send it to Eline Timmer (eline@hhwe.eu).
For any questions, mail or call Arjen Schutten (arjen@hhwe.eu / +31 (0) 6 46363854).