The opening of the Mexican oil and gas industry has placed the country in the international spotlight. The opening of the Mexican market brings new opportunities for the offshore industry.
From 16-22 June a trade mission to Mexico City took place, organized by the Dutch Energy Association, together with the Embassy of The Netherlands in Mexico and IRO. Part of the program was a visit to the Mexican Petroleum Congress (CMP) from 19-22 June 2019. The program gave the inside perspective on the development of the Mexican oil and gas industry.
During the mission interesting presentations were given by among others PEMEX and the Mexican government (SENER), financial institutions and regulatory bodies. Also a seminar ‘New operators and Dutch success stories’, with presentations by Ampelmann, Van Oord and Shell was part of the program.
If you are interested in the above mentioned presentations, you can contact Wasilika Pupovac-Moutzouridis at w.pupovac@iro.nl.
We look forward to next year’s trade mission combined with a visit to CMP in Monterrey from 20-27 June 2020!