After years of passion and dedication for Young IRO, Siwart Mackintosh has passed the baton to a new Young IRO board member. Siwart has contributed to the growth of Young IRO in multiple ways, and his creativity and energy will be missed. Big shoes to fill, but we are convinced that we have found a successor that will help to grow Young IRO even further: as of January Paul Schoenmakers (Temporary Works Design) will join the board. We are happy to introduce you to our new creative and enthusiastic Marketing & Communication Officer:
“As a graduate from Industrial Design Engineering, working in the offshore energy sector did not immediately occur to me. But when I started working in the Studio of DOB-Academy I saw a cornerstone industry going through a transition towards a sustainable future. First as an animator translating complex stories into clear animations and now as a business developer at TWD. Young IRO creates unique opportunities making sure stories are told and voices are heard, allowing the new generation to show surprising perspectives and the established to teach lessons learned. Together we can get the message across.”
Once more, a big thank you to Siwart for all the hard work he has done for Young IRO. Going forward, we are very happy to have Paul on the team!