Safety first…
A lot of companies put safety high on their agenda. That’s understandable, because unexpected calamities could have huge consequences for the safety, health and well-being of their personnel. And what do you think it would mean for the surroundings and environment, or the continuity of the company? So there is every reason to put safety in the hands of professionals.
…with the quality of IVM
IVM Safety Professionals sends safety personnel on secondment. Over 20 years of experience guarantee quality and reliability. IVM has received both national and international recognition as expert safety intermediary. The experts of IVM prove that every day in their work for clients. In big and small projects. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With the professionals of IVM safety will come first.
1 and 1 = 5
IVM offers:
1) solutions: quickly and flexibly the correct safety personnel
2) experience and expertise: guaranteed a fitting answer to your question
3) quality at every level: from fire safety watch and safety officer to HSE manager
4) a complete package for safety: personnel, courses, an up to date multi media centre, online job vacancy department, measuring equipment, safety equipment, etc.
5) a personal approach, based on trust and skill
In short: 5 x safety on the job.