The new Navingo Career Guide 2019 is out. This Guide take readers to the wondrous world of the maritime, offshore and energy sector. When you work in this sector, not a single day is the same. The sector knows many faces, opportunities and possibilities.
Visit www.NavingoCareer.com/guide-2019-eng and become inspired by the career opportunities.
Official presentation of the Guide
Last Friday, the new Navingo Career Guide was officially launched during the Zeeland Maritiem Networking gathering at Vlissingen. The hardcover coffeetable edition of the Guide was presented to two students that are studying to become a Maritime Officer. The MBO student is taking classes at Maritiem & Logistiek College De Ruyter and the HBO student at HZ University of Applied Sciences.
Career possibilities at each level
By telling personal stories and sharing their vision, photographs and videos, companies are able to use the Navingo Career Guide to show who they are, what they can offer as employer and who they are looking for. “There are still so many new challenges. Record after record is being broken. Everything continues to become deeper, bigger and heavier” says one of the professionals in the Navingo Career Guide. These challenges offer career possibilities at each level, for both ambitious starters, young professionals and experts from within and outside of the sector.
Available in Dutch and English
The Navingo Career Guide is available both in Dutch, www.NavingoCareer.com/guide-2019 as in English, www.NavingoCareer.com/guide-2019-eng. By watching the inspiring videos, reading the stories and discovering the latest vacancies, both active and latent jobseekers will get a good impression of their career options. Last year over 45,000 active and latent jobseekers used the Navingo Career Guide.