SUT/MASTS Decom & Wreck Removal Workshop 2018: 1+2 November 2018

27-09-2018 Glasgow

Decommissioning & Wreck Removal

Influence, educate and unlock opportunities: Informing key decommissioning and wreck removal challenges

Join the sixth Society for Underwater Technology (SUT) and Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)Decom and Wreck Removal Workshop, where they bring together international expertise from oil and gas decommissioning, marine salvage, renewables and marine science, to build a shared understanding and explore solutions within wreck removal and offshore decommissioning. Connect, network and debate with a range of international scientists, engineers, salvers, operators, regulators, trade bodies, NGOs, insurers, lawyers, and other users of the sea, to consider topics using a holistic life cycle approach.

Connect, network and debate with a range of international scientists, engineers, salvers, operators, regulators, trade bodies, NGOs, insurers, lawyers, and other users of the sea, to consider topics using a holistic life cycle approach.

Workshop topics:
Global Environmental Challenges for Decommissioning
Capture and Sharing of Marine Data
Innovative Techniques and Technology Linking Salvage & Decom
Cuttings Piles

Please register at using the discount code DECOMW (Please note the code is active for this workshop only).

Click here for more information

Click here for the agenda