News & Press
19-08-2021 Member news, Sustainability
DEME installs first offshore substation in France at Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm
In another pioneering step in the offshore wind industry, DEME installed the first offshore substation (OSS) in France. Weighing 2,100 tons, the OSS was successfully installed at the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm on August 18.
04-08-2021 Sustainability
Onderwaterrobot legt kabels voor aansluiting Hollandse Kust (zuid)
Ten noorden van de Maasvlakte ontwikkelt TenneT het offshore net Hollandse Kust (zuid) voor de aansluiting van nieuwe windparken. Vier offshore kabels worden ingegraven in de bodem van de Noordzee. Voor de eerste tien kilometer…
26-07-2021 Sustainability
Work on Dutch Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen Pilot Project Kicks Off as Gov’t Grants Subsidy
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has awarded a subsidy of EUR 3.6 million to the PosHYdon offshore green hydrogen pilot project, allowing for the start of activities to bring the project to life. The remaining…
26-07-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Van Oord takes on Baltic project
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23 July 2021 – Van Oord has signed a contract with the Spanish energy company Iberdrola for the Baltic Eagle offshore wind farm. Van Oord will transport and install the foundations and…
22-07-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Participation of Iv-Offshore & Energy in PosHYdon Hydrogen Pilot
Iv-Offshore & Energy one of the proud partners of PosHYdon: world’s first offshore green hydrogen production pilot on a working platform To achieve the Paris Climate Agreement goals, the supply of sustainable energy must increase…
19-07-2021 Member news, Sustainability
SOCAR and Technip Energies enter cooperation agreement on offshore sustainable energy development
SOCAR and Technip Energies entered a cooperation agreement to study sustainability measures in the offshore upstream activities, including CO2 emission reduction, improvement of power efficiency and associated optimization in the total cost of ownership. The…
19-07-2021 Member news, Sustainability
HYPORT® Duqm signs cooperation agreement with Uniper to explore green ammonia offtake
Oman’s strategic green hydrogen project HYPORT® Duqm has signed a cooperation agreement with energy giant Uniper. Under the cooperation, Uniper will be joining the project team to provide engineering services and negotiate an exclusive offtake…
23-06-2021 Member news, Sustainability
GustoMSC Kit for Eneti’s Next-Generation Jack-Up
Houston-headquartered NOV has been awarded contracts for the design and the supply of equipment for Eneti Inc’s first wind turbine installation jack-up vessel. The vessel will be built by South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine…
21-06-2021 Member news, Sustainability
WiSP2 project launched to further improve performance predications, rules and regulations for wind propulsion on commercial ships
MARIN and ABS have kicked off the WiSP2 Joint Industry Project to help facilitate the broad uptake of wind propulsion as an important tool to decarbonise shipping. “This Wind assisted Ship Propulsion (WiSP) JIP…
15-06-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Dutch celebrate Global Wind Day with wind & water works launch
To celebrate Global Wind Day, the Dutch wind industry and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) have joined forces to launch the wind & water works website ( Managed by the Netherlands Wind…
09-06-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Recharge Earth! Hét congres voor professionals die een rol spelen in de energietransitie
Het is tijd! Tijd om de energietransitie te versnellen. Samen hebben we alle know-how en expertise om concrete stappen te zetten. Samen kunnen we échte impact maken, door vandaag de basis te leggen voor het…
28-05-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
How Hatenboer-Water’s bottle filling stations contribute to reduction of marine plastic litter
According to Wageningen University Research institute, between 5 and 13 million tonnes of plastic are lost annually from land to sea and end up as what is known as ‘the plastic soup’. Marine birds and…
28-05-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Oil-free air fleet helps protect marine life and improve water quality
Thanks to increasingly stricter environmental regulations regarding offshore activities and construction, bubble curtains have become a vital aspect in multiple steps of the process. This leads to an increase in demand and Atlas Copco Rental…
26-05-2021 Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Energy Reinvented Community, a network for those who want to cross bridges
The energy transition is one of society’s most urgent challenges. The technical solutions the energy sector provides, will bring it closer into the forecourt and backyard of communities and their citizens, e.g. for the use…
25-05-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Resato’s sustainable vision with hydrogen
Resato helps develop the hydrogen economy in the Netherlands. High pressure technology spans across an array of applications that use gases or fluids such as nitrogen, argon, water, and oils. Since a few years, hydrogen-related…
25-05-2021 Sustainability, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue
The Netherlands – Your partner in Offshore Wind
The Netherlands strives to achieve international climate goals by advancing sustainable energy, with offshore wind power playing a key role. By 2030, Dutch offshore wind capacity will total at least 11.5 GW, supplying significant electricity…
17-05-2021 Sustainability, Member news
Fugro awarded significant site characterisation contract for German offshore wind development
Fugro has been awarded a multi-year site investigation contract by Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)). The programme will be completed in three parts divided over the coming…
14-05-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Shell introduceert ambitieuze doelen voor toekomst met schonere energie
In navolging van de vernieuwde koers van Shell wereldwijd, introduceerde Shell Nederland woensdag 12 mei jl. vijf nieuwe doelen voor een toekomst met schonere energie en een sterke economie: Enkel 100% CO₂-neutrale energie leveren…
03-05-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Upgraded Aeolus starts work on French offshore wind farm
After extensive preparations, offshore installation vessel Aeolus is starting the installation of the first of 62 jacket foundations for the Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm project. The wind farm is located 16,3 kilometres off the coast…
28-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Huisman develops Jones Act compliant solution for wind turbine component supply in US waters
Huisman, the worldwide provider of step changing technical solutions, introduces a Motion Compensated Platform to quickly and safely transfer wind turbine components from a feeder vessel. Since using an internationally flagged Wind Turbine Installation Vessel…
28-04-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Registratie Recharge Earth congres 8 & 9 september 2021 geopend
Professionals in de energietransitie kunnen zich vanaf nu inschrijven voor het Recharge Earth congres dat plaatsvindt op 8 en 9 september aanstaande in het state-of-the-art Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Centre. Met dit jaarlijkse initiatief levert Rotterdam…
22-04-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Launch IRO Sustainability Community
Today, the 22nd of April, Earth Day 2021, is a special day. 51 years after its inception, much has changed. You could say that markets are transforming for the better and that should make us…
20-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
DEME wins first floating offshore wind EPCI contract for the Leucate wind farm
Transmission system operator Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE) has awarded DEME’s French subsidiary SDI an EPCI contract for the export cable that will connect the Leucate Floating Offshore Wind Farm to the power grid, in…
19-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
TrustLube is proud to introduce lubricant with Ecolabel
Xtreme Marine Bio TrustLube, specialist in high quality lubrication systems, has identified a strong trend towards environmentally friendly greasing products. After years of innovation, they have developed Xtreme Marine Bio in-house. This unique grease…
14-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
DEME Offshore and Penta-Ocean establish Joint Venture to develop Japan’s flourishing offshore wind industry
DEME Offshore and Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd., Japan’s leading marine contractor, are delighted to announce that they have officially agreed to establish a Joint Venture to focus on the construction of offshore wind farms in…
13-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Fugro wins marine site characterisation contract for world’s first energy island hub
Energinet has awarded Fugro a marine site characterisation contract for the Danish Energy Island project in the North Sea. The contract is part of Energinet’s preliminary studies to build the world’s first ‘hub and spoke’…
13-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Acta Auriga successfully completed the Bard Offshore project
April 07, 2021 – Today Acta Marine completed its 3 year maintenance campaign for Ocean Breeze on the Bard Offshore 1 wind farm. Acta Auriga started the O&M works on Bard in April 2018 just…
12-04-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Van Oord receives 2021 RETO award for Iberdrola supplier of the year
Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 9 April 2021 – Today, the King and Queen of Spain presented the Iberdrola RETO Awards for Supplier of the Year. Under the heading RETO – meaning ‘challenge’ in Spanish and standing for…
28-03-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Allseas river plastics removal project
Working every day at sea, Allseas witnesses first-hand the devastating effect plastic pollution is having on the world’s oceans and marine life. Plastic pollution is a global problem, and we are committed to the cause…
26-03-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
‘Laat industrie vliegwiel van de klimaattransitie zijn’
‘Er liggen meer dan honderd kansrijke projecten om de Nederlandse industrie met succes de klimaattransitie te laten maken en toe te werken naar klimaatneutraliteit. Met deze plannen kan de industrie bovendien als vliegwiel fungeren voor…
24-03-2021 Member news, Sustainability
DNV wins USD 17.7 million contract to support development of Taiwan Power Company’s largest offshore wind farm
DNV, the independent energy expert and assurance provider, has signed a USD 17.7 million (NOK 150 million) contract to be the Owner’s Engineer for Taipower Offshore Wind Project Phase II (Changhua Phase II) in Taiwan.
23-03-2021 Sustainability
Fifth edition of the innovation challenge – A call for partners with technical challenges
15-03-2021 Sustainability, Member news
Van Oord adopts innovative technology to further reduce emissions on its fleet
Van Oord is taking a next step in the energy transition of its fleet. An advanced combustion conditioning system with hydrogen and methanol will be installed on subsea rock installation vessel Bravenes. The FUELSAVE FS…
11-03-2021 Sustainability, IRO news
Werk mee aan de maritieme toekomst: ‘Masterplan voor een emissieloze maritieme sector’
Afgelopen vrijdag keken ruim 300 mensen naar het webinar over het maritieme masterplan, dat werd gepresenteerd vanuit de studio van MARIN. De reacties waren ronduit positief, er is vanuit alle verschillende deelsectoren van de maritieme…
01-03-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Innovation site Borssele Wind Farm Site V fully commissioned
Two Towers, consisting of Van Oord, Investri Offshore and Green Giraffe, announced that the innovative Borssele Wind Farm Site V has been fully commissioned. Borssele V features two Vestas 9.5 MW turbines, generating sufficient energy…
24-02-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Bakker Sliedrecht starts researching the use of biodegradable oil in submersible motors Van Oord
Bakker Sliedrecht will start a research to determine whether biodegradable oil can be used in the submersible motors that the company has supplied for equipment of Van Oord. If this is applicable, the international marine…
24-02-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Parkwind selects DEME Offshore for foundation EPCI contract at Arcadis Ost I
DEME Offshore has been awarded a substantial Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) contract for the foundations at Parkwind’s Arcadis Ost I offshore wind farm. The next-generation XXL monopiles will be the largest ever installed…
22-02-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Vattenfall awards Van Oord 4-year O&M framework contract
Van Oord has been awarded a 4-year Operations & Maintenance (O&M) contract by Vattenfall. Working through its MPI Offshore organisation, Van Oord will provide jack-up and associated lifting services for main component exchanges across Vattenfall’s…
18-02-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Van Oord celebrates final milestone Borssele III & IV offshore wind farm
Borssele III & IV, one of the largest offshore Dutch wind farms, has reached full commissioning. Located 22 kilometres off the Dutch coast and the Province of Zeeland, the wind farm is capable of powering…
18-02-2021 Member news, Sustainability
DEME Offshore awarded Transport & Installation contract for Hollandse Kust (noord) and (west Alpha) offshore substations
DEME Offshore has been awarded a contract for the Transport & Installation of the jackets and topsides for two Hollandse Kust offshore substations. DEME Offshore will also supply and install scour protection for both substations,…
10-02-2021 Sustainability
Noordzeeakkoord aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer
Met brede steun van de Tweede Kamer gaan de partijen van het Noordzeeoverleg gezamenlijk verder met de uitvoering van afspraken van het Noordzeeakkoord. Mevrouw Sybilla Dekker is als onafhankelijk voorzitter bij het Overlegorgaan Fysieke Leefomgeving…
28-01-2021 IRO news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Global Sustainable Enterprise System, for your sustainability and supply chain transparency ratings
The World has created the Sustainable Development Goals, Standards, Laws and Regulations. All with the Intent to Make a Difference for Our Planet and its People. But there are some problems: A persistent lack…
28-01-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Innovation lab RCSG offers business opportunities for research geothermal energy
The ‘Rijswijk Center for Sustainable Geo-energy’ (RCSG) was opened on Thursday 5 March 2020. The RCSG is a unique field lab where geothermal energy projects can be tested on a full scale. Geothermal energy can…
27-01-2021 IRO news, Sustainability
Enquête voor bedrijfsleven – input ophalen voor SDG brochure en voor nationale SDG rapportage
Graag vragen wij uw medewerking aan deze SDG enquête voor het bedrijfsleven. Met deze enquête willen we trends en ontwikkelingen in kaart brengen omtrent de wijze waarop bedrijven bezig zijn met de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen (SDG’s),…
27-01-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Ready for the next step towards the Belgian hydrogen economy
In order to meet the challenge of the transition to a carbon-neutral society by 2050, we need to look beyond our own production of renewable energy generated domestically or offshore. The import of renewable energy…
26-01-2021 Member news, Sustainability
Van Oord presents Climate Risk Overview
Van Oord has launched the Climate Risk Overview, a global online tool that combines multiple data layers and enables users to identify the world’s most-at-risk coastal areas. The tool is in the public domain and…
25-01-2021 Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
North Sea Energy: making impact by integrating offshore energy systems
The North Sea will play a pivotal role in the energy transition. The further expansion of offshore wind farms, the offshore production of hydrogen and the storage of CO2 in empty gas fields will make the…
25-01-2021 Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Nexstep: “Innovation and collaboration are key to facing the challenge of decommissioning and repurposing our infrastructure”
Nexstep was founded as a joint initiative of NOGEPA and EBN. Nexstep serves as the inclusive and collaborative umbrella organisation that coordinates, facilitates and seeks dialogue on the decommissioning and re-use agenda for oil and…
25-01-2021 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Floating islands one step closer to realisation, completion of Space@Sea project
The Horizon 2020 funded Space@Sea project kicked-off in November 2017, setting out to make a step towards efficient use of the maritime environment. The consortium of 17 European partners developed sustainable and affordable workspaces at…
18-12-2020 Member news, Sustainability
Van Oord orders green cable-laying vessel
Van Oord has ordered a next-generation custom-built green cable-laying vessel. The vessel will be delivered from VARD in Norway and equipped with the latest sustainable technologies. The vessel will be fully operational in 2023. This…
17-12-2020 IRO news, Sustainability
Verplaatsing Recharge Earth congres van maart naar september 2021
De organisatie van Recharge Earth – Rotterdam Ahoy – heeft in overleg met haar partners besloten om het congres te verplaatsen van 10 en 11 maart naar woensdag 8 en donderdag 9 september 2021. Op…
10-12-2020 Member news, Sustainability
RWE chooses Van Oord for foundations and array cables at Sofia Offshore Wind Farm
Van Oord has been selected by RWE as the preferred supplier for the engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) of the monopile foundations and array cables for Sofia Offshore Wind Farm, one of the world’s…
01-12-2020 Member news, Sustainability
Turbine installation at Belgium’s largest offshore wind farm crosses the finish line
Construction works at SeaMade, Belgium’s largest offshore wind farm, have crossed the finish line with the last of 58 turbines successfully installed on 30 November. The SeaMade wind farm will provide green energy for 485,000…
30-11-2020 Member news, Sustainability
RWE and DEME Offshore install collars on offshore foundations
RWE-patented technology to be deployed for the first time at the Kaskasi offshore wind farm New monopile foundation collars increase load-bearing capacity Offshore construction works to start in the third quater of 2021; start of…
30-11-2020 Member news, Sustainability
Aeolus completes turbine installation at Borssele III & IV offshore wind farm
Van Oord’s offshore installation vessel Aeolus has successfully completed the installation of all 77 MHI Vestas V164-9.5 MW turbines at the Borssele III & IV offshore wind farm. As the Balance of Plant contractor for…
25-11-2020 IRO news, Sustainability
IRO Supporting Partner van platform Recharge Earth
IRO is Supporting Partner geworden van platform Recharge Earth. Dit initiatief van Rotterdam Ahoy brengt relevante partijen op het gebied van energievoorziening en energietransitie samen, zodat de dialoog verder op gang komt en met als…
04-11-2020 Sustainability
Maritiem Masterplan: 30 emissieloze schepen in 2030
Dertig emissieloze schepen in 2030. Dat is het doel van het ‘Masterplan voor een emissieloze maritieme sector’ en vormt daarmee de aanloop naar lange termijn schaalvergroting van de vergroening van de Nederlandse scheepvaart. Centraal in…
13-10-2020 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Ecoscour protection: enhancing nature values in offshore wind farms
Van Oord, as part of Two Towers, takes the next step in a research programme relating to the restoration of European flat oyster beds. To investigate methods for the development of oyster reefs at offshore…
12-06-2020 Member news, Netherlands Suppliers Catalogue, Sustainability
Ulstein’s roadmap to hydrogen future
Following the introduction of Ulstein’s first hydrogen fuelled, zero emission design by the end of 2019, the company is now revealing its vision towards a marine hydrogen future. Where the SX190 hydrogen fuelled offshore construction…