News & Press
23-01-2025 Member news
Huisman secures contract for 100MT Pedestal Mounted Crane delivery to eastern navigation
Huisman has signed a contract with Zhenjiang Jiangsu Shipyard Co. Ltd. for the delivery of a 100mt Pedestal Mounted Crane to Eastern Navigation, a leading provider of maritime support fleets in the Asian-Pacific offshore energy…
23-12-2024 Member news
Elcee Group B.V. versterkt haar positie in smeedstukken en gietstukken met acquisitie van Chinforce B.V.
Elcee Group B.V., een toonaangevende leverancier van klantspecifieke, mission-critical engineered mechanische componenten en assemblages, kondigt met trots de overname van Chinforce B.V. aan. Deze strategische overname stelt ELCEE Group in staat haar positie als toonaangevende…
20-12-2024 Member news
SMST to supply mission equipment for newbuild CSOV Rem Offshore
SMST has been awarded a contract by shipbuilder Vard Vung Tau to supply mission equipment for Rem Offshore’s new Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV). After having outfitted the CSOV Rem Energy with similar equipment in…
20-12-2024 Member news
Huisman integrates system for controlled blade installation into cranes for Havfram
Huisman has received an order for the delivery of a Travelling Load Stabilising System, which will be integrated into both 3,000+mt Leg Encircling Cranes for Havfram’s two new NG-20000X-HF Wind Turbine Installation Vessels. The…
13-12-2024 Member news
Huisman wins bid innovation award 2024
Huisman has been awarded the BID Innovation Award 2024, recognising the company’s groundbreaking contributions to step-changing technical solutions that drive the energy transition. This achievement comes as Huisman celebrates its 95th anniversary, highlighting nearly a…
05-12-2024 Member news
Delmar Systems celebrates milestone with delivery of 11,000th anchor to Van Oord, joined by special guest Sinterklaas
Delmar Systems, a global leader in offshore mooring and anchor technology, proudly celebrated the delivery of its 11,000th anchor at a special event on December 4th. The milestone anchor was purchased by Van Oord, a…
03-12-2024 Member news
Conbit Delivers SL900: Transforming Offshore Wind Lifting Operations
Conbit has launched the SL900, a versatile modular lifting system designed to meet the unique challenges of offshore wind projects. Successfully tested last month, the SL900 offers a game-changing alternative to crane vessels and jack-up…
29-11-2024 Member news
Assai en bundelen krachten voor toekomstbestendig document- en databeheer in de energiesector
Assai Software Services, wereldwijd marktleider in documentmanagementsoftware (DMS) voor de energie, bouw- en mijnbouwsector en nutsvoorzieningen, neemt over. is gespecialiseerd in geavanceerde zoektools en oplossingen voor het opsporen van dataproblemen. Met deze strategische…
28-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Huisman awarded order for two knuckle boom cranes for Sea1 Offshore
Huisman has secured a contract for the delivery of two 250mt Knuckle Boom Cranes, to be installed on the new ST-245-designed offshore energy support vessels of Sea1 Offshore, a Norwegian shipping company. The contract was…
28-11-2024 Member news
World’s strongest land-based crane completes fully electric operations testing
SK6000 zero-emission functionality confirmed – for even the remotest projects Mammoet’s SK6000 – the world’s strongest land-based crane – has been tested for fully electric operation. It now offers zero-emission capability to projects taking place…
26-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Atlas Professionals Secures Ørsted Contracts for Wind Turbine Generator Support Services
Atlas Professionals has renewed its contract with Ørsted, the global offshore wind energy leader, to provide skilled personnel for Technical, Specialised, and Uptower Repair WTG Support services across the UK, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
21-11-2024 Member news
Foxdrill team completes another successful knuckle boom cylinder replacement
Following the successful execution of an inventive rigging solution to replace the cylinders of knuckle boom cranes on a drillship in the Ivory Coast last summer, the Foxdrill team recently faced a similar challenge on…
21-11-2024 Member news
KNRM geeft grootste werfopdracht ooit
Twaalf reddingboten dankzij schenkingen en nalatenschappen De Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM) heeft opdracht gegeven voor de bouw van twaalf nieuwe reddingboten. Niet eerder in de 200-jarige historie van de KNRM werd zo’n grote opdracht…
21-11-2024 Fossiele energie, Member news
Green Yard orders SMST mission equipment
SMST has been awarded a contract by shipbuilder Green Yard Kleven for the delivery of a gangway (TAB-L2), with an Access and Cargo Tower (ACT), and a 50t Knuckle Boom Crane (KBC) for the newbuild…
19-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Mammoet selected to marshal over 100 XL monopile foundations for RWE’s offshore wind farms Nordseecluster A and Thor
The heavy transport specialist will move over 100 monopiles for wind turbines over the course of a year on site. Mammoet has signed a contract with Buss Ports to marshal wind turbine generator foundations for…
19-11-2024 Member news
One Week to Go: 400+ Exhibitors from Offshore Energy Industry to Gather in Amsterdam
400+ exhibitors and co-exhibitors booked their spot at OEEC 2024 Businesses and organizations from across the offshore energy sector and beyond Conference program: spotlight on seabed security, offshore wind and CCS Navingo, the organizer of…
19-11-2024 Member news
C-Job Naval Architects Appoints Kasia Romantowska to Oversee Gdańsk Operations
Will Lead Sales and Engineering Teams in Poland C-Job Naval Architects–a leading global ship designer at the forefront of maritime design and engineering, with real-world expertise in future fuels like hydrogen, methanol and ammonia–today announced…
15-11-2024 Member news
N-Sea concludes contract for the development of a new-built operations support base in IJmuiden in 2025!
We are proud to announce that N-Sea Group has signed a contract to build a new operations support base with our valued partner MSCY B.V. who develops and operates facilities at Zeehaven IJmuiden Port (NL).
12-11-2024 Member news
INEOS and Royal Wagenborg sign multi-year contract for CO2 carrier in the presence of HM King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands and HM King Frederik of Denmark
Today, in the presence of HM King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands and HM King Frederik of Denmark INEOS and Royal Wagenborg have signed a landmark agreement on the delivery of a new build CO₂…
12-11-2024 Sustainability, Member news
Van Oord completes major dredging project in Egypt
Van Oord has finished dredging two new port basins in Ain Sokhna Port, successfully completing a project that forms part of a port expansion programme meant to improve and develop the Suez Canal Economic Zone…
07-11-2024 Member news
Maritime Awards Gala viert innovatie in de sector
Op maandagavond 4 november vierde de maritieme sector zoals ieder jaar haar innovatieve karakter. Tijdens het Maritime Awards Gala in Hilversum werden vijf prijzen uitgereikt aan mensen, bedrijven en andere instellingen, die een vernieuwende bijdrage…
05-11-2024 Member news
N-Sea Group continues its fleet expansion with a new-build hybrid survey and ROV support vessel
Today, we have signed a long term charter agreement with Mainport Shipping Ltd for the delivery of an additional new-build hybrid survey and ROV support vessel, the Geo Master. This vessel is of similar design…
01-11-2024 Member news
Broekman Logistics Expands Breakbulk Activities in Rotterdam
As of November 1st, 2024, Broekman Logistics will take over the activities and assets of B.V. Expeditie- en Stuwadoors Maatschappij J.C. Meijers. With this acquisition, Broekman Logistics takes the next step in the Breakbulk Carousel.
01-11-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Ampelmann completes successful first transfers with new W-type tower gangway on Olympic Boreas CSOV
Ampelmann has successfully completed the first offshore transfers with its – also first – W-type system onboard the Olympic Boreas Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV). The gangway tower system was delivered to Ulstein Verft for installation…
01-11-2024 Sustainability, Member news
Ørsted and Van Oord install innovative and scalable oyster structures in the North Sea
Ørsted and Van Oord’s initiative Ocean Health, have installed innovative Droppable Oyster Structures in the Borssele 1&2 offshore wind farm. Droppable Oyster Structures are easily portable reef structures that have adult oysters attached to them.
01-11-2024 Fossiele energie, Member news
Aramex Completes Expedited Air Charter of Oversized Acid Tanks for Oil & Gas Client from Dubai to Abidjan
Aramex, a global leader in logistics and transportation solutions, has successfully completed a complex and time-sensitive delivery of eight oversized acid tanks from Dubai (DXB) to Abidjan (ABJ) for a prominent Oil & Gas industry…
29-10-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Cochin Shipyard orders another SMST gangway for North Star SOV
Cochin Shipyard Ltd. has awarded SMST a second contract for the delivery of a gangway, the Telescopic Access Bridge (TAB) L2, with an Access and Cargo Tower (ACT) for North Star’s next newbuild Service Operation…
22-10-2024 Member news
Boskalis completes acquisition of Smit Lamnalco
Royal Boskalis B.V. (Boskalis) announces the completion of the acquisition of Smit Lamnalco. Boskalis has been 50% shareholder in Smit Lamnalco since 1963 and through this transaction acquires all remaining shares. Smit Lamnalco offers terminal…
17-10-2024 Member news
Bezemer Dordrecht B.V. provides linear winch for landfall Sakarya Gas Field Development Project.
Bezemer Dordrecht B.V., a member of IRO, has been active in Turkey in recent months. The company contributed to the second phase of the Sakarya gas field project by providing a linear winch for the…
15-10-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Windcat’s first CSOV launched by Damen
Damen Shipyards, Windcat and CMB.TECH are celebrating the launch of the first of six Commissioning Service Operation Vessels (CSOV). The launch marks the inauguration of Windcat’s ‘Elevation Series’ of future-proof offshore wind farm maintenance and…
15-10-2024 Member news
1 miljoen euro voor 200-jarige Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM)
Geweldige schenking van de Postcode Loterij ondersteunt verduurzaming en toekomstige aanschaf van vier nieuwe kusthulpverleningsvoertuigen (khv’s), wat een aanzienlijke bijdrage levert aan de duurzaamheidsambities van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM). KNRM directeur Jacob Tas…
15-10-2024 Member news, Young IRO
New Young IRO board member: welcome Sjoerd!
Since September, we have had two new board members join Young IRO – and today we want to let Sjoerd van Hoof introduce himself to our members: “I’m Sjoerd, 29, and after attending Young IRO…
15-10-2024 IRO news, Member news
Nieuw lid in de schijnwerpers: Scot Shipbrokers
IRO heeft recentelijk SCOT Shipbrokers als nieuw lid mogen verwelkomen. In een persoonlijk interview met Jacqueline Kuil (Senior Shipbroker), maken wij kennis met SCOT Shipbrokers BV. Waar blinken jullie in uit? Wij…
11-10-2024 IRO news, Member news
IRO Ledenbijeenkomst bij Atlas Copco Rental: state-of-the-art machines en meer!
Woensdagmiddag 2 oktober waren we te gast bij Atlas Copco Rental in Zwijndrecht voor een IRO Leden Ontmoeten Leden (LOL) bijeenkomst. Atlas Copco Rental verhuurt al meer dan 50 jaar offshore apparatuur voor lange en…
11-10-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Een volgende stap in windenergie: drijvende platformen in diepere zee
Maritiem ingenieursbureau Nevesbu heeft samen met Iv een gepatenteerd concept ontwikkeld voor een floating offshore substation (FOSS). Het concept is reeds succesvol getest in het bassin van MARIN. Daarmee is een belangrijke basis gelegd voor…
11-10-2024 Member news
Koning onthult nieuwste KNRM-boot: Prins Johan Friso
Zijne Majesteit Koning Willem-Alexander heeft de naam bekendgemaakt van de nieuwste boot van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM). Deze reddingboot zal de naam Prins Friso dragen, een eerbetoon aan zijn in 2013 overleden broer…
10-10-2024 IRO news, Member news
IRO lid in de schijnwerpers: Volvo Penta
IRO heeft dit jaar Volvo Penta als nieuw lid mogen verwelkomen. In een persoonlijk interview met Justin Post (Director Sales Marine) en Martine Brussé (Global Sales Project Manager), maken wij kennis met…
01-10-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Ampelmann completes first transfers with new W-type tower gangway
Ampelmann has completed the first offshore transfers with its first W-type system onboard the Olympic Boreas Construction Service Operation Vessel (CSOV). The gangway tower system was delivered to Ulstein Verft for installation on the…
20-09-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Officiële opening TKF fabriek Eemshaven
De nieuwe fabriek van TKF in Eemshaven, waar de productie van zeekabels voor offshore windparken plaatsvindt, is vandaag officieel geopend. Dit werd gedaan door Henk Jan Bolding, Burgemeester van Het Hogeland en Alexander van der…
20-09-2024 Fossil energy, Member news
Aker BP orders SMST’s dual-purpose W2W equipment
SMST has been awarded a contract by Aker BP for the delivery of a motion compensated gangway, Telescopic Access Bridge L Series, with an option for a second one. The gangway is designed to be…
20-09-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Door Iv ontworpen Sofia platform geïnstalleerd in de Noordzee
Het Sofia HVDC-platform is succesvol getransporteerd vanuit de werf van bouwer Seatrium in Batam (Indonesië) en geïnstalleerd op de Doggersbank voor de kust van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De installatie is een belangrijke mijlpaal voor het…
12-09-2024 IRO news, Member news
Terugblik inspiratie event: Het laten slagen van jouw verandering!
Wat een geweldige kickstart na de zomervakantie! IRO- en NMT lid Critical Minds heeft de deelnemende leden vrijdag 6 september op bijzondere wijze geïnspireerd met waardevolle workshops over: Patronen zien…
12-09-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Seatools Unveils Disruptive Seabed Pre-Cutting and Clearance Technology
Seatools, a leader in industrial-quality subsea equipment, proudly unveils its patented seabed pre-cutting and clearance technology, Iron Bull. This innovative solution mitigates risks posed by adverse soil conditions and subsurface obstacles, offering Offshore Wind Farm…
03-09-2024 IRO news, Member news
IRO member in the spotlight: Alleima
Through a short interview we would like to put our highly valued IRO members in the spotlight. This time we get to know Alleima in a personal interview with Dyon Hermsen, Sales…
27-08-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Breman launches innovative chain crane for offshore wind turbines
The Breman Group, with its headquarters in Genemuiden, the Netherlands, is proud to present an innovative high-speed chain-driven davit crane combined with a self-engaging crane hook, called Eye Catcher. To lift loads or sensitive goods…
23-08-2024 Member news
Get ready for Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2024!
Mark your calendars for 26 & 27 November as Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) will take place! OEEC, organized by Navingo is a premier annual event that brings together professionals from…
22-08-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Fugro wins multi-year contract to deliver construction support for European wind farms
Fugro, the world’s leading Geo-data specialist, has been awarded a long-term contract to provide construction support to Van Oord for offshore wind farms across Europe for three years, with an option to extend. This will…
06-08-2024 Member news
HSM Offshore Energy Completes Successful Load Out and Sail Away of NO5-A Topside and Jacket
HSM Offshore Energy proudly announces the successful load out and sail away of the NO5-A topside and jacket for ONE-Dyas at its Schiedam yard in the Netherlands. The topside and jacket were positioned onto the…
06-08-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind, Sustainability
Records voor omzet en orderportefeuille Damen
2023 was een positief jaar voor Nederlands grootse scheepsbouwconcern Damen Shipyards Group. Voor het tweede jaar op rij werd de hoogste omzet ooit genoteerd en voor het derde achtereenvolgende jaar de grootste orderportefeuille. Eerstgenoemde slechtte…
05-08-2024 Member news
TRESIOS launches rebranding
Project management and construction company specialized in subsea construction and marine services TRESIOS a project management and construction company for the energy and maritime industry announces a repositioning focusing on two pillars: “subsea construction…
29-07-2024 Member news
Huisman receives third order this year for advanced Knuckle Boom Crane
Huisman has been awarded another contract for the delivery of a Knuckle Boom Crane for a client in the offshore energy market. This state-of-the-art 550mt Knuckle Boom Crane will be equipped with Huisman’s proprietary secondary-controlled…
18-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Fugro continues work with Community Offshore Wind on the US East Coast
Community Offshore Wind, a joint venture between RWE and National Grid Ventures, has selected Fugro to perform a geotechnical investigation of their lease area in the New York Bight. With 3 GW of offshore wind…
18-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
A-Frame installation enhances offshore wind vessel capability
Mammoet’s PTC210-DS ring crane performs efficient A-Frame lift for Van Oord’s heavy-lift installation vessel, Svanen, in the offshore wind energy sector As offshore wind turbines continue to grow to achieve greater efficiency, so too are…
18-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
OEG Renewables business Bluestream awarded a large remedial campaign on two offshore wind farms in the German sector of the Southern North Sea
OEG Energy Group Limited (“OEG”, the “Group”), a leading offshore solutions business, is pleased to announce that OEG Renewables (“OEGR”) business Bluestream Offshore B.V (“Bluestream”) has been awarded a large remedial campaign by Vattenfall and…
16-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Damen Shipyards contracted to build second Damen Commissioning Service Operation Vessel for TSSM
Ta San Shang Marine Co. Ltd. (TSSM), the joint venture between Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. of Japan, and Ta Tong Marine Co., Ltd. of Taiwan, has ordered a second Damen CSOV (Commissioning Service Operation Vessel)…
12-07-2024 Member news
Genomineerden Maritime Awards Gala 2024 zijn bekend
Met ook deze keer veel aan elkaar gewaagde inzendingen, belooft het op maandag 4 november een spannende avond te worden. Tijdens het Maritime Awards Gala ontmoeten honderden maritieme professionals elkaar om samen met de pers,…
09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
TenneT en KNRM gaan samenwerking aan voor veilig werken op zee
Netbeheerder TenneT en de Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (KNRM) hebben vandaag officieel een samenwerkingsovereenkomst voor de komende vijf jaar bekrachtigd. Beide organisaties hebben veilig werken op zee hoog op de agenda. TenneT doneert de komende…
09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Crane and SPMT transfer decrease downtime for TP load-in
Transition piece marshaling utilized fast and efficient SPMT and crawler crane transfer method for an offshore wind farm 22 kilometers off the Scottish coast, Moray West marks the third offshore wind farm in the Moray…
09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Damen set to build sixth CSOV for Windcat
Damen Shipyards has secured the contract to build a sixth Commissioning Service Operation Vessel for offshore personnel transfer provider Windcat, thus completing the six-ship ‘Elevation Series’ of future-proof CSOVs. The contract marks the further strengthening…
09-07-2024 Member news, Offshore Wind
Huisman to deliver cranes and installation tools for Cadeler’s A-class
Huisman has announced two contract awards, one for the design and construction of a Leg Encircling Crane (LEC) and a Pedestal Mounted Crane for Cadeler’s latest A-Class new build vessel, and one for an Upending…