Annual Report 2020

2020, a year that will be remembered as COVID year. A year with many challenges for the IRO members and an association year characterised by some setbacks such as cancelled exhibitions and member meetings. Despite the limitations, we have managed to remain (virtually) visible and thus maintain and strengthen the IRO network. In this overview you can see all the highlights!

Annual Report 2020

2020, a year that will be remembered as COVID year. A year with many challenges for the IRO members and an association year characterised by some setbacks such as cancelled exhibitions and member meetings. Despite the limitations, we have managed to remain (virtually) visible and thus maintain and strengthen the IRO network. In this overview you can see all the highlights!

Facts & Figures

New members


Trade missions

annual report trade missions cirkel



Imagen Blog Cícero


Training courses

MDS_The Offshore Experience





Timeline 2020

  • 20200108_173951

    New year – new energy!

    Full house at Sociëteit de Witte in The Hagueon Wednesday 8 January! More than 300 IRO members gathered to kick-off the new business year. In his speech IRO Chairman Pieter van Oord reflected on the…


  • Feb


    NMT-IRO MarCom event ‘Digital value creation’ a great success!

    More than 85 enthusiastic MarCom professionals, members of IRO and NMT, met on Thursday 6 February 2020 for an inspiring and educational afternoon on digital value creation. The beautiful building of the DOB Academy in…

  • Afbeelding

    Info session about energy opportunities in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan

    On Thursday 13 February we organised an info session about energy opportunities in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan at the DOB-Academy in Delft. During this session we talked about engaging more with both…


  • Feb

    IKTVA meeting

    Company visit to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Kingdom of Bahrain, 23-26 February 2020

    Together with our embassies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Bahrain IRO organised a trade mission to both countries for the third time. This time the main purpose of the visit…

  • Lotte en Esther

    First IRO webinar on crisis communication and remote work

    Tuesday 19 May 2020 saw the premiere of our first webinar with current topics such as crisis communication and remote working. The online meeting was well attended with 60 participants, just as we are used…


  • May


    World Petroleum Council webinar series

    From 26-29 May 2020 the WPC NL hosted a series of webcasts that looked at the Oil & Gas industry as a key player in the Energy Transition. These 4 webcasts were a collaboration between…

  • 20200702_141551

    IRO members meet each other corona proof at KenzFigee

    As from 1 July it was allowed to organise meetings again in a corona proof manner, in a 1.5 meter setup. KenzFigee did a great job arranging everything according to the…


  • Jul


    Interactive webinar on data & behavioral change

    On Thursday 16 July 2020, IRO organised an interactive webinar on behavioral change and behavior as a basis for improving results in the workplace. The main questions of this webinar were: “How do you ensure…

  • 28Oct_12.45_Tales-of-the-North-Sea

    Offshore Energy – Tales of the North Sea

    The 14th edition of Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference opened its virtual doors on 27 and 28 October! During this virtual program several talk shows were organised, one of them was called Tales of the…


  • Nov

    collage alv

    Pieter van Oord praises the industry’s great adaptability during online Annual General Meeting

    On Thursday 19 November 2020 the IRO General Members Meeting took place online, facilitated by Damen Shipyards in Gorinchem. The main items on the agenda were: financial presentation: 2019 result –…

  • Foto webinar crew changes

    Lessons learned during the interactive webinar crew changes in corona time

    On Tuesday 1 December 2020, experienced experts Annet Koster (KVNR), Wilko Kok (Van Oord) and Pieter Veen (Boskalis) took us on the roller coaster of crew changes in corona time. The setting was the Buccaneer…


  • Dec

    Personal Christmas video message from the IRO board

    It will not have escaped anyone's attention that 2020 was a particularly tough year in which we also had to miss each other at physical events. However, a crisis also offers opportunities for renewal, innovation and change. Let's use 2021 to provide renewal and growth in our sector with new energy!

  • IRO & corporate responsibility

    Discovering, cleaning up and protecting the North Sea
    Stichting Duik de Noordzee Schoon believes in a clean and healthy North Sea where fishing, energy production and recreation are sustainably in harmony with flora and fauna. Initiated by experienced North Sea wreck divers, the Foundation highlights the importance of natural and artificial reefs in the North Sea. Fully funded by their own contributions and donations, expedition members dedicate themselves to protecting the North Sea. Annually, they organise one or more expeditions to special areas of the North Sea with the aim to increase knowledge of the North Sea, and to protect shipwrecks from destruction and waste disposing.


Adventures In the deep

    The volunteers of Stichting Duik de Noordzee Schoon are a great source of inspiration to the IRO board. To support the Foundation IRO joined forces with Energy Reinvented Community  in October 2020. Together they funded the translation of the Foundation’s adventure book IN THE DEEP into English, making it accessible to an international audience.

    IRO supporting partner of platform Recharge Earth

    IRO has become a Supporting Partner of the Recharge Earth platform. This initiative by Rotterdam Ahoy brings together relevant parties in the field of energy supply and energy transition, so that the dialogue can continue and with the ultimate aim to take coordinated action. Recharge Earth focuses on collaboration and knowledge exchange between all groups that play a role in the energy transition: governments, companies, knowledge centers, service providers and non-profit.

    Sander Vergroesen, IRO managing director: “The IRO members are closely involved in the energy transition. By means of the innovative nature of the offshore energy sector, our members actively contribute to the necessary change in the future of the energy supply. As IRO, we facilitate the platform where partnerships can be established and we ensure international visibility for our sector. Therefore, we wholeheartedly support the Recharge Earth initiative. Only together we can progress in this important transition. ”
    More information about Recharge Earth:


    IRO across the border

    Export promotion

    Export promotion is one of the key areas of interest of IRO and working closely together with different stakeholders is vital. IRO cooperated with embassies around the globe to participate in virtual fairs, among others in Mozambique, Mexico and Malaysia. There has also been regular contact with Brazil, UAE, Kuwait, Suriname and the US. Our embassies in those countries played an important role in 2020. Also during the ambassadors conference that took place in The Hague in January 2020 plans were discussed with ambassadors from all over the world.

    Unfortunately due to Covid all exhibitions were canceled or postponed. We are looking forward, as soon as this is possible, to present our wonderful members in the Holland Pavilions around the globe in 2021 again.

    The maritime future is now!

    This ground-breaking campaign has been developed in collaboration with and for the Dutch maritime sector and highlights innovative maritime projects. The Dutch maritime sector is eager to share its knowledge and expertise with its international partners. To do so, it has defined the following four pillars.

    • developing zero-emission and smart shipping
    • creating green, vibrant and connected port cities around the world
    • advancing the sustainable blue economy with healthy and productive oceans
    • acting as a green gateway to Europe

    The maritime future is now, so let’s shape it together!

    IRO & the public eye

    New members in the spotlight

    In a short interview new IRO members are put in the spotlight with questions such as ‘What do you excel at?’, ‘What convinced you to become a member?’, ‘What do you have to offer the other members?’. Read their interiews here:

    Interviews by IRO

    Several interviews or input for articles were provided in national and international media over the year. Topics ranged from overviews of the Dutch offshore oil, gas, offshore renewable and marine energy industry to the innovative mentality of the Dutch suppliers’ industry and the strength of networking in the industry.

    Read here the interview ‘Energy transition as an anchor point in times of fear’ in Maritiem Nederland.

    Read here the entire interview ‘The offshore industry is innovative and challenging’ in the supplement to the Financieel Dagblad in November 2020.

    Connect and stay visible!

    Especially in this uncertain time connecting and staying visible is so very important! We do our best to continue to fulfill our connecting role for IRO members. A number of resources are available on our website (company profile, press releases, Linkedin) in order to profile your company properly and to remain visible. Take advantage of this and share your news with us at you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, please reach out, we are happy to help!

    IRO Linkedin company page reaches more than 2000 followers!

    Have you been linked yet? Follow our Linkedin company page and stay up to date with the latest offshore related news and our activities!

    IRO & partners

    Membership VNO-NCW

    IRO became a member of VNO-NCW on 1 May 2020. We see this membership as an important step to be heard and supported even better in the future. Together with our partners from Nederland Maritiem Land and from VNO-NCW, we are convinced that we will be even better able to advocate the importance of the Dutch Offshore Energy Industry at the highest level with our government.

    (International) cooperation with other organisations

    Over the year much attention was paid to cooperation with other organisations and associations for the purpose of exchanging information and exploring common areas of interest. IRO would like to thank, among others, the following organisations for their pleasant cooperation: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Dutch embassies and consulates abroad, Maritime by Holland (NML), FME, the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI), the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), NOGEPA, SodM, IADC, DMEC and Nationaal Duurzaamheidsinstituut (NDI).

    Young IRO

    It was a strange year also for Young IRO. As everyone in the IRO community we had to turn around our way of working and planning as a result of the pandemic. Not always easy, but we made it work!

    • 2020 was the year for Young IRO where we quickly switched from live to digital with a Vrijmibo Pubquiz with over 80 applicants in March and follow-up Quiz at the Offshore Energy Conference.
    • Collaborated with the IRO to organise a webinar on working remotely and communication during a crisis
    • Had an amazing live event at STC-KNRM where participants survived offshore conditions and got to talk about it over a BBQ on a lovely summer’s day.
    • We also appointed our first female chair, with Sophie van Zanten taking over from Bernard Alblas.
    • Reached a LinkedIn-follower milestone of 1200 and counting
    • Have Young-IRO members at 131 IRO member companies

    Looking ahead at 2021

    We couldn’t execute all our plans and events last year, but not to worry because we’ll continue  in 2021! Together with our new IRO board members Ivo Muller (Van Oord)  and Meike Kolthof (Heerema), we’ll be powered up and energised to make this year a success.

    Young IRO’s mission is to connect and inspire the younger generation of ambitious IRO community professionals to shape the energy industry of  tomorrow. To do that, we’ve already got some cool and interesting activities lined up that focus on the industry trends and professional development for our Young IRO community, both digital and live. Stay tuned!

    Sincerely, the Young IRO Board

    Sophie van Zanten, Timon Ligterink, Paul Schoenmakers, Ruben de Nie, Thijs Kamphuis, Ivo Muller, Meike Kolthof